
Personal Journal Entry

Decent Essays

orry that it took me so long to send this e.mail. Here's my response and, reflection on my own sentence : The goal is not about a player, but something more. This Monday, I was not sure if my schedule permitted me to play softball, and later when I replied Katherine, she sent our team an e.mail informing that I was also playing. If you recall she had expressed much happiness about my participation. I felt that God was speaking through her, though as you know, I did not play well. When you sent me the text asking if there were any Garrett female that might be interested in playing for Monday's game, I went to look for some students on campus. First of all, I called my friend, Becca and asked her if she would like to play with us .She said that she was not great at it but, if needed, she could step in. Later, I called another seminary friend who said that her foot was swollen and she could not play either. Also, she had never played softball. In the next few minutes, I went to the library, and thought it might be best to ask one of my "Pragmata" group friends. My friend was busy on …show more content…

What if we might learn something if we lose the game. "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord," (2 Corinthians 10:17) who made us, and knows us. Never feel discouraged by failures, for that is not the end of the world, and it's never tool late to be a champion. Humility is the key to determination, and God sees hearts of people. The Bible mentions that God appreciated David's heart, and that is why God does not love us by looking at our physical beauty, talents or good works, because good works are not equivalent to one's faith in God. God loves us the way we are, and just wants to journey with us, that is why, he stands knocking at the door. "Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me." (Revelation

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