
My Journal Entry Analysis

Decent Essays

Every journal entry that we did in class, I made sure that It was heartfelt. I gave real life experiences and my perspective on things. For the final presentation I used my journal entry that discussed performing masculinities. I wanted to do a performance that I felt where I could express myself more but also one that could incorporate my peers. I wanted to reflect on my childhood a little bit and how that had an influence on my adolescence years. I adapted my journal entry by creating a script that displayed the actions of what I discussed in my entry. I knew that we paired in trios, which was perfect for me because I was able to have a classmate play the role of my brother and auntie. I transformed it into a performance by breaking down …show more content…

I tied in a piece from performing masculinities and I wanted to educate others on how tomboyism is viewed. Since my auntie is old fashion she believes that there are guidelines for the construction of gender. You have some people in the world who are not accepting and open to new ways. It was significant that the audience took away that you can be assigned a sex, but gender is taught to children. From the time that we are born we are subject to either a pink or blue blanket. Little girls are taught to where dresses and behave in a more feminine way. What was acceptable for boys was looked down on when girls behaved those actions. I wanted my audience to catch on the part at the end of my performance where I included a quote from Halberstam.“Tomboyism tends to be associated with a “natural” desire for the greater freedoms and mobilities enjoyed by boys. Very often it is read as a sign of independence and self-motivation, and tomboyism may even be encouraged to the extent that it remains comfortably linked to a stable sense of a girl identity. Teenage tomboyism presents a problem and tends to be subject to the most severe efforts to reorient” (Halberstam 6). This quote had so much power in my performance because I was hoping to deepen the understanding of masculinity. When I reflected back on my personal experiences as a child I wanted to inform other on the influence of masculinity. I wanted them to take away that at a point in my life I was a tomboy and had characteristics that a boy would possess.The significance to me was that I felt often times people try to insist that your are somewhat more acceptable to be tomboy as a young child because you may not understand the consequences at the time. As you grow up and going into teenage and adolescence years eyebrows are raised towards tomboyism acts because

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