
Perseverance Essay Examples

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What Is Perseverance? One is drawing near to the finish line, their legs are aching and hurting. But they are persistent and determined to finish the race strong, so they push until they get to the end.This is a great example of what perseverance can feel and look like. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross stated, “Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their cravings”(“Goodread”). This quote is about how having perseverance can shape people and make them a better person. To better understand what perseverance is people have to know what it is not. Perseverance is not giving up, it is not laziness or is it quitting. People 's ability to achieve an obstacle mentally or physical is all up to their …show more content…

A major obstacle he faced was leading his country to victory in World War two. This was not an easy win, England and Winston had many difficulties when faced with this obstacles. In Spite of this these difficulties they pushed through and came out with the win. He expressed his feelings toward perseverance in the following quote, “ If you are going through hell, keep going” (“Goodreads”), in this quote it shows both physical and mental perspective.To the soldiers this meant to continue and stay strong until the end of the war. Even though the soldiers that were on the battlefield really did not have a choice to just leave but they did have a choice to give up. To the people it was encouragement that helped both the people and the soldiers. If the soldiers had their family backing them up then of course they could not let them down. By Churchill saying one thing it helped both point of views and give both of them hope. The Holy Bible has tremendous examples of what perseverance can look like and what your outcome of perseverance can be. The Apostle Paul was a great leader that showed perseverance throughout the followers of christ. Paul was not always a great leader. Before finding his way he was known as Saul. As Saul found his way in christ he discovered the meaning of perseverance and how important this word is in one 's everyday lifestyle. In Paul 's letter to the christians in Galatia,the book of Galatians,

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