
Peloponnese Research Paper

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After the most incredible experience in Meteora, our Greek adventure led us next to the Peloponnese! The Peloponnese is the haven of any Ancient Greek lover. It's not only the home of key archaeological sites of ancient civilizations from the Mycenaeans, Venetians, Byzantines, and the Ottomans, but also to ancient Greek mythology. This Peloponnesian landscape is a full of Olympian gods, Panhellenic heroes, legendary historical figures and monstrous creatures. It's literally where the Gods and Heroes roamed the earth meddling in human affairs. It's where Paris of Troy eloped with Helen. It's where Hercules fought the Nemean lion. Lastly, it's where Argonauts set sail in search of the Golden Fleece. Not only is the Peloponnese where celestial mythological …show more content…

In ancient times, Corinth was one of the wealthiest city-states to exist in the Classical World. It harboured two important ports, one on the Corinthian Gulf and one on the Saronic Gulf, thus making it the centre of trade, naval fleet, wars and opportunity. Ancient Corinth now is just an excavated archaeological site. While we walked through the grounds, the ruins revealed a whole city landscape from temples, homes, schools, baths, a forum and a basilica. It really makes you realize that we are just a speck in time and everything we do now will one day also become a part of history. The main monument of Ancient Corinth was the Temple of Apollo that stood tall among all the other ruins. The particular temple was built around 540BC. Originally, the temple had six limestone columns along the front and back and fifteen columns down each side, but now only 7 columns remain in total. Behind this monument in the distance, was Acrocorinth residing on a hilltop. My family and I didn't personally visit the fortress, as the path was raw and quite dangerous, but it is home to the Temple of Aphrodite and a mosque built by the Ottoman

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