Ancient Greece, a classical civilization, was filled with city-states in 500 B.C.. Ancient Greece was a peninsula near the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Greece's geography had mountains which caused Greece to be governed in city-states. They are known for their contributions that we use today. Three ancient Greek contributions that continue to influence our lives today are government, architecture, and literature. One ancient Greek contribution that continues to influence our lives today is government. In ancient Greece, there were four different types of Greek political structures that controlled Greek city-states. These political structures were Monarchy, ruled by a king; Aristocracy, ruled by nobility; Oligarchy, ruled by a small group of citizens; and Direct Democracy, ruled by it's citizens. Direct Democracy influences our lives today. In 508 B.C., Democracy began in Athens. Athenian citizens were directly involved with Democracy while America has a representative. American citizens have the right to vote for a …show more content…
Such architecture includes Greek buildings. Greek buildings were often built to show a town or city's power and pride. Withing these Greek buildings, they contain a famous variety of Greek columns that influence us today. These columns are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The Doric style is sturdy and its capitol is plain. The first floor of the U.S. Capitol Building known as the Crypt has 40 Doric columns. The Ionic style is thinner and elegant with a scroll-like capitol design. A building in America with the Ionic design is the Jefferson Memorial. The Corinthian style has a very elaborate capital. The Corinthian was rarely used in Greece. A building with the Corinthian design is the U.S. Supreme Court. Many buildings in America use Greek architectural columns. Such buildings include museums, courthouses, libraries, government buildings, and
Columns have been used since the classical period and are still used today in many old and new buildings. Two buildings that use these columns are The Jefferson Memorial and the Supreme Court( Doc 1.). There are three different types of columns. The Doric, the Ionic, and the Corinthian. Ancient Greeks also invented other devices that have an impact on our world today. Some of these are roads, calendars, and architecture. All of these examples are things that are useful in our everyday life.
Greece influenced roman societies and modern day societies politically as explained in documents 1, 2, 4, and 6. Greece was the first ancient civilization to have a democracy. The basic rule for roman society law system was displayed in the twelve tables. (Doc 2) Many western civilizations adapted this law system as well as other ideas from the roman 12 tables which influenced western societies immensely. The document explains a quote that we still use in modern society which is “every man is innocent until proven guilty.” Octavian Augustus states that after he dies “the foundations which I have laid for its future government will stand firm and stable” the Greeks invented an idea of a ruling senate which today is known as democracy. (Doc 4)
Both the Greeks and the Romans made a number of contributions to western culture in the field of architecture, many of which can still be seen to this very day. Architecture played a pivotal role in both the religion and daily life of ancient Greek society. The Greeks produced some of the world’s most enduring architectural monuments, many of which are still standing today. These include the Parthenon, the Temple of Zeus, and the Temple of Poseidon. Perhaps one of the largest contributions of the ancient Greeks to western civilization in regards to architecture was their development of the three fundamental architectural systems of design, the Doric, Iconic, and Corinthian orders. The following excerpt from an article
First of all, Ancient Greece and Rome have both influenced us by their ways of government. The Greeks had a democracy, which is instilled in us today. It is the fundamental belief that everyone has the right to control what goes on in their government. Without the Greek administration, many modern nations would not be run the same way and history would not be the same. The Greeks had democracy because it was able to be easily maintained. They had such small communities, or city-states, that they were always able to have direct votes with the people. Some countries, like the US, are too large to have a direct vote, so there are variations of the method. The Romans had a Senate which controlled the Romans and chose what happened to the people for them. This is most common example in western
Ancient Greece was a civilization from the archaic period of the 8th to 6th centuries and also belongs to a period of Greek history and until the end of antiquity. Ancient Greece is best known for the great Greek tradition such as Democracy, Science, Theoretical Mathematics, Philosophy, History, Art (naturalistic), and Drama (Notes). Greek worship gods and made sacrifices to them. Ancient Rome falls under the italic civilization beginning on early 8th century B.C. Romulus and Remus found the city of Rome in 753 B.C. Roman view themselves as Hard Working, Farmers, Frugal, Pious, Conservative, Brave, Self-sacrificing, Indomitable, Honorable, and they are loyal to Roman Republic (Notes). Their devotion toward gods is high as well. The literary and scientific intellectual traditions of ancient Greece, Rome survived the fall of Roman Empire have great impact on western civilization through the middle ages because the Hellenistic culture, Democracy, Greek philosophy and Arts and Architecture are carried and merged along through middle ages and are still in used in today’s world.
Greek democracy has a powerful hand in influencing modern democratic practices. Greek democracy was separated into three ruling bodies, the Assembly, Council, and the Courts.
In addition to Politics and Science, Art and Architecture from Greece influenced Western civilization. The Athenians built many important building using long structures called columns, such as in the Parthenon (seen in document seven). These can be seen in many buildings across America, such as the Stock exchange and the Lincoln memorial. Another example of Athenian Art was the Olympics. You can see in document eight that the Greeks valued sports and were very athletic. This contribution still exists today all over the globe. Sports are very important to people of all
Another important contribution of the ancient Greeks to the modern world is art. In the United States, the Supreme Court, White House, and the Capitol Building are all highly influenced by Greek architecture. Most of the post offices are modeled after the Parthenon. The Parthenon is on top of the Acropolis in Athens, it is known for their grand marble flooring and columns, the Parthenon was a place of worship to the god Athena (doc. 7). Athena is the Greek goddess of wisdom and military victory, the city of Athens was named in her honor. The Parthenon is a symbol for ancient Greece, allowing for a backdrop of one of the most important cities when it comes to the history of humanity and the development of it. The Greeks were also very involved with sports. Many statues were created to show the beauty and grace of a Greek athlete, Track and Field were the most popular sports. The ancient Greeks were very fascinated with the human body (doc. 8). A great mind was the only thing equivalent to an attractive body. The Olympics first started in ancient Greece, having a similar situation to the Olympics today. Countries, but
Much can be said about the Greeks and their contribution to Western Civilization greatly and how they paved the way. The Greeks subsidized Western Civilization greatly, contributing areas of architecture, government, and many more. The Greeks built the Parthenon, a temple dedicated the infamous goddess Athena, who they viewed as there patron. The famous temple has columns and groundwork that characterizes Greek architecture. The architects were concerned with conducting a sense of perfect balance to reflect cooperation and order in the universe. They were the first to think of the idea of democracy, a system in which people govern themselves rather than being ruled by a king; they also valued beauty and imagination.
Ancient Greece was best known for so many different things, every different person would have a different answer for what Greece was best known for. In contrast to Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, the civilization of Ancient Greece arose by its new take on writing, modern forms of government, and superior inventions. One way Ancient Greece was set apart from Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt was their writing. Greek writing was letters not pictures like Mesopotamia and Egypt (“Alphabet” The Greek alphabet was used for storytelling not just for working like recording trades.
The ancient Greeks gave the modern world an advantage in many ways, however, Philosophy, Architecture, and science are the three most important and impact our lives daily.
Modern day architecture in America is greatly influenced by ancient Greek architectural styles, which include columns and decorative elements such as
Ancient Greek made many advances during their time in many subjects still used today. The ancient Greeks advances in these subjects, influenced and contributed to the Western civilization. The Western civilization’s culture and outlook on life was shaped by ancient Greek. Many things the ancient Greeks created were the basis for what we use today, including, architecture, art, dramas, math, science, and philosophy.
The Greek architecture, especially public commemorative building usually are single-storey and simple rectangular form. According to the number and arrangement of the building column to made different building form. The temple of the Pantheon was surrounded by columns and the columns of Temple of Athena Nike are placed in the front and back of the building. Therefore, the column, basic and entablature are the key to decide the level of art and style of the building. Moreover, Greece is designed buildings as a sculpture with a beautiful look from the outside view. Greek architecture was mean to be viewed as a piece of art that would give pleasure to the gods. Ornate exteriors of the buildings, pediments, metopes and the relative drabness of the interiors are the evidence which is easy to see.
Historians have long considered Ancient Greece to be one of the most influential societies on modern day life. Ancient Greece has inspired the modern world in five main areas: theatre, government, philosophy, art, and architecture.