
Peppino Research Paper

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Fine for owners who dogs disturb siesta's

Sick and tired of barking dogs ruining your midday nap? Then, maybe you should move to Crotone in Italy's southern province of Campania.

The Mayor of Crotone, Peppino Vallone has become so irate with siesta sopiling canine disturbances that he has decided to ban them.

Thanks to a new mayoral ordinance issed in Crotone dog owner's can now face fines of between 20-500 if their dogs bark during the hours of the riposo, from 12 – 2pm.

The decree stated that, “Dog owners must make sure rowdy dogs do not cause disturbances during the hours of nighttime and during the riposo between 2pm and 4pm.” Il Mattino reported.

The Italian riposo is a short nap taken after the midday meal, similar to the Spanish

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