
Palooli High School Soda Research

Satisfactory Essays

Kyrsten Fehribach
English 7
Writing prompt 1 Taking a stand for Paoli high school sodas

At Paoli high school there are many vending machines, but recently I have noticed that every vending machine has some kind of diet drink and no regular soda . let’s start at the basics. Here’s the ingredient list for coke “ Carbonated water,High Fructose Corn Syrup,Caramel Color, Phosphoric Acid,Natural Flavors,Caffeine”. Here’s the ingredient list for diet coke “Carbonated Water ,Caramel Color, Aspartame, Phosphoric Acid , Potassium benzoate (to protect Taste), Natural Flavors,Citric Acid, Caffeine”. I understand diet free soda fails to leave the residue on teeth that regular soda does. This is because diet soda gets its flavoring from artificial sweeteners , not natural sugar.
Diet soda sounds like it’s gonna help you maintain a healthy weight don’t be fooled. Diet soda drinkers are said to be 54 percent more susceptible to obesity than regular soda drinkers. It has been suggested that diet soda actually contributes to weight gain ,not weight …show more content…

I’d love to get a soda at times during school hours but I refuse to buy a diet anything . I am glad all natural sugars are used versus artificial anything. It’s very satisfying to have a ice cold coke after a long day's work or play. I think sodas Like - Mountain Dew, coke, sprite, Big Red, and so forth should be added to the vending machine . I am sure the machines would be used more and the money they already bring in would triple . I think the students should have a voice in what we have in our vending machines. I get it , it’s a luxury not a need ,but how great it is to have something that most of us don’t want /use. besides if you do your research on diet versus coke or diet anything verses not diet you see that they aren't healthier they don’t help you maintain a healthy weight . So there for a sugary taste will make a sweet

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