
Pain Assessment

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The Aging Adult
No evidence exists to suggest that older individuals perceive pain to a lesser degree or that sensitivity is diminished. Although pain is a common experience among individuals 65 years of age and older, it is not a normal process of aging. Pain indicates pathology or injury. Pain should never be considered something to tolerate or accept in one's later years.
Unfortunately, many clinicians and older adults wrongfully assume that pain should be expected in aging, which leads to less aggressive treatment. Older adults have additional fears about becoming dependent, undergoing invasive procedures, taking pain medications, and having a financial burden. The most common pain-producing conditions for aging adults include …show more content…

3. When did your pain start?
Identifies onset and duration. Chronic pain persists after injury heals; it is pain that occurs for 6 months or longer.
4 What does your pain feel like?
• Burning, stabbing, aching
• Throbbing, firelike, squeezing
• Cramping, sharp, itching, tingling
• Shooting, crushing, sharp, dull
Identifies quality of pain and helps differentiate between nociceptive and neuropathic pain mechanisms.
Neuropathic pain is described as burning, shooting, and tingling. Nociceptive pain originating from visceral sites is described as aching if localized and cramping if poorly localized; from somatic sites, it is described as throbbing/aching.
5. How much pain do you have now?
Identifies intensity (refer to various intensity scales).
6. What makes your pain better or worse?
(Include behavioral, pharmacologic, and nonpharmacologic interventions.)
Identifies alleviating and aggravating factors. Evaluates effectiveness of current treatment.
7. How does pain limit your function or activities? What does pain prevent you from doing?
Identifies degree of impairment and quality of life.
8. How do you usually react when you are in pain? How would others know you are in pain?
Nonverbal behaviors are extremely variable, especially for chronic pain syndromes. Will aid in detection and assessment.
9. What does this pain mean to you? Why do you think you are having pain?
Can identify myths, misconceptions, beliefs, such as

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