
Odysseus: A Good Leader In Homer's The Odyssey

Decent Essays

A great question to ask is what does it take to display good leadership. What is a good leader dependant on? Size? Strength? A good leader mostly depends on attitude and determination. A good leader can come in any shape or size, but it depends on the determination and the level of courage. Odysseus did not show leadership in The Odyssey. He was selfish or unfaithful, cocky, and he made bad decisions. In everyday life,you need a good leader to help you accomplish your goals. In Homer’s, The Odyssey, Circes exclaims “Put up thy sword in its sheath and let us then go up into my bed” (Hom. Od. 10. 330-335). Odysseus falls into the love trap right there. He displays his trait of selfishness cause he wanted to take Circes to bed instead of killing …show more content…

According to Homer’s, The Odyssey, Odysseus yells “Odysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son, whose home on Ithaka” (Hom. Od. 9. 415-420). Odysseus shows himself as being cocky when he tells Polyphemus his name and where he lives. Now Polyphemus yells to his father Poseidon to ensure that Odysseus never makes it back to his home. Odysseus made a very poor decision calling out his name just because he was feeling cocky. In the movie, The Odyssey, Odysseus does not put the wax in his ears to make his ship crew think that he is stronger than all of them.”By hook or by crook, this peril too shall be something that we will remember” (The Odyssey). He was lucky that no danger occured. This shows that he is cocky cause he was trying to show off to his ship …show more content…

In Homer’s, The Odyssey, Odysseus makes the decision to not warn his ship members to not fight the Scylla. Circes tells Odysseus to keep moving pass Scylla and to not fight. Of course Odysseus makes the bad call and decides to still fight the Sylla. He loses more men than expected. “ Get the oar shafts in your hands, and lay back hard on your benches; hit these breaking seas” (Hm. Od. 12. 150-155). If Odysseus would have listened to Circes and told his me to not fight the Scylla, more men would have made it out alive. In the movie, The Odyssey, Odysseus makes a bad decision of going into Polyphemus’s cave and started eating his cheese. If Odysseus didn’t even go into the cave this whole story wouldn’t have happened, Polyphemus would have never met Odysseus and Odysseus would have never got into so much trouble in the sea. “In turn we come to you and are suppliants at your knees, if you might give us a guest present or otherwise some gift of grace, for such is the right of strangers” (The Odyssey). In this quote, Odysseus is trying to negotiate his way out of the cave. If he wouldn’t have went in there in the first place then none of this would have

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