
Occupational Pay Thesis

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Occupational pay based on gender is an issue that has been around since the early 1900s. Women have always been discriminated against by men, which is proven by history dating back to the Civil Rights Movement. Gender inequality with the significant wage gap for men and women is longstanding and has been acknowledged by researchers. The wage gap that is present in the United States has aroused many Americans, and even kindled several protests. The issue, occupational pay based on gender, dates back to Women’s Rights of 1848. Women have not always had the right to vote, and it was definitely not acceptable for women to work. Men have always been “The head of the household,” or “The bread winners for their family,” so most people assumed that …show more content…

A registered nurse can preform many jobs such as patient care, and education to the patients and public about various health conditions. Nurses also provide emotional support and give advice for the families of the patient they are caring for and treating. Women are better cut out for this job because they are known to have more emotion, sympathy, and increased affection than men. Females should not be discriminated against and their wages should not be affected because of their …show more content…

“In 1979 the weekly earnings of white females were about sixty-two percent of the white male weekly earnings (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1994).” Major and Konar investigated this issue among students at a college that they sampled. Exactly what was expected was discovered that females in general had lower starting salaries and lower career peak salaries. The explanation that was given was that “Women might differ from men in career paths, job inputs, comparison standards, and job facet importance.” Major and Konar discovered that men usually expect more and are less likely to settle than women. Women usually are given an offer, and they are more likely to accept the position. Women are more easily satisfied than men, which leaves them at a disadvantage for job promotions and they are more easily taken advantaged of. Men have been proven to move up more often in work places because they are more antsy and less satisfied. This could be related going back to traditional ways where men are supposed to be “The bread winners for the family”, so they possibly feel a greater weight to provide for the

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