
Women's Pay Inequality

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Women’s Pay Inequality in the United States
Erick A. Barron
Community College of Aurora Women’s pay has long been a subject in the economic community and to a further extent society. With arguments being presented from both sides, but one thing cannot be disputed there is a gender based wage gap between women and men. Why is there a gap and how can society in the United States change that? First we must examine women in the workforce. Then ask why it happens then figure out how we can put an end to the pay gap.
Women have come a long way since the start of the United States. Women use to not work in the United States, but that has changed according to the United States Department of Labor website, in the article It’s Time for Equal Pay Now, …show more content…

That answer is not an easy one to answer with many people having different solutions to it. Hadas Mandel and Michael Shalev say, in the same article, “ earnings differentials of all kinds narrow when labor enjoys substantial political and institutional power and wage determination is centralized.” (Mandel and Shalev, Jun. 2009, pg. 1874). Analyzing the quote it says that the more power that labor gets both politically and institutional the more the gender based wage gap narrows. With all the many problems the United States have economically it might be easy for this to get overlooked even if it is a hot topic. There needs to be more of a focus on labor. The quote also says that wage determination being centralized has a big impact on if the gender based wage gap narrows or gets larger. Overall more attention given to the topic would narrow the gender wage gap significantly. However Richard A. Epstein has a different approach to the problem. In his article Why Income and Wealth Equality Cannot End Wage Stagnation Epstein says, “ What is needed, therefore, is a complete reversal in direction to undo the current economic swoon. We must concentrate first on growing the pie, not on evening out the size of the slices. No one can predict with confidence how the gain will be distributed… The only confident conclusion is… larger slices for most people.” (Epstein, Dec. 2014, pg. 4). Interesting …show more content…

If there were no gender based pay gap the poverty rate would diminish. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, “ The poverty rate for working women would be cut in half if women were paid the same as comparable men.” (Pay Equity & Discrimination, n.a, pg.1). If no gender based pay gap existed poverty among women would be cut in half that would lower overall poverty in the United States, which can only be beneficial. A decrease in gender based pay gap would benefit a lot of women, but single moms would benefit greatly because they are the head of the household, and if they get paid fairly for their work they would have an easier time providing for the children. For the gender based pay gap to disappear that would mean discrimination was eliminated or at least decreased. Less discrimination would mean more opportunity for women to get higher paying jobs increasing advancements in society. Not only that but it would also bring more diversity to the workforce which would create a more competitive environment and bring greater results and advancements to the world. An additional benefit would be if we eliminate this form of discrimination it would pave the way for other forms of discrimination to disappear such as racial discrimination. If the gender based wage gap was erased not only would women be better individually, but also women owned businesses would gain a boost. With that boost the

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