
Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment

Decent Essays


1) One of the aspects I really enjoyed for this chapter is it is all about different ways writing can be used besides writing an essay paper in High school. I remember in high school how if I had to type a paper or write a paper how I hated it because you had to go through the process of writing and analyzing a paper and it always had to be 3 pages long. Chapter 2 is all about taking your students write more, which I thought would be a horrible idea, but have them write different things besides an essay paper.

2) Before even reading Chapter 2 I already knew about movie reading. I remember doing these types of assignments for history. At the end of the year our history teacher would allow us to watch a few movies if they were connected to history and we had to fill out a “follow along” sheet. In my class, I would still do this process just do it more complex. I would have parts where we would pause to fill out thought-provoking questions, vocabulary, and fill in the blank to make sure the students are following along. The problem I do see though is some teachers put too many question on the paper, and the students would fall behind or be too worried about the questions then pay attention to the movie. …show more content…

This forces to students to practice writing, even if it’s only for five minutes, and proves to me if students were paying attention. I would change the rules a little though by if the students didn’t understand something from class or the lesion instead of a summary; they can ask question on the Exit slip

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