
Nicole Arbour's Dear Fat People

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According to recent study at Harvard, young girls are more afraid of becoming fat than they are of nuclear war, cancer, or losing their parents(Photoshop). In recent years it has seemed that the media, and society in general are praising unrealistic beauty standards and claiming them to be ideal. Any person can take a quick look in a magazine, on the internet, or on television and see any number of pictures of people with extreme features that society claims make them superior. This has made an impact on today’s generation in such an extreme manner that “80% of 10-year-old girls have dieted and 90% of high school junior and senior women diet regularly.” (Photoshop). Girls and boys both, across the globe are striving have what they see as …show more content…

Last week a comedian named Nicole Arbour released a video on her youtube channel titled “Dear Fat People”. The video has over 4 million views in just over 7 days. According to Boston’s NPR news section it is one of the “top social media scandals of the year”. Nicole Arbour’s youtube channel is most popular for her “video rants” as well as other videos she has made in attempt at comedy. In “Dear Fat People” she talks about a matter of issues she feels “fat people ” should work on. She claims that fat people get special treatment that an average weighted person does not. She gives an example that she felt a common person could relate to. She says that in security lines in airports, people who are fat get to cut the line and security checks them first. This proves to one of her major points in making the video. She says that her video is not shame fat people but to encourage them to lose weight (Schlack). “Fat shaming is not a thing; fat people made that up. That’s the race card, with no race.” She ended her video with some advice saying that if you want to end your weight issues “put down the oreos”. People by nature judge their surroundings. It is something all living organisms do, judging people, food, as well as anything else is vital to survival, but the weight of a person is not a factor in determining the quality of a human being. The media has helped project different stereotypes onto people and it is hard for some people to overcome them. A survey in Teen People Magazine in 2014 showed that over 50% of teenagers assumed that being fat was a sign of laziness, and 45% of the participants also said that “fat people smell bad and do not care about their bodies” (Schlack). It does not just go in way, as skinny shaming has become a problem too. It seems that no matter the body a person can be given, there will always be

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