
Holocaust Informative Speech

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It’s hard to imagine something worse than burning in a gas oven for being a Jew, but imagine people testing on you in labs, not caring about your health and safety. This is what I will be talking to you about today: The Twin Experiments. Times during the Holocaust were hard for Jewish twins for many reasons, one being various experiments run on them by Mengele. While the Holocaust was going on, many Jews were captured. They were sent to a camp either to do hard labor, or die. There was one more place Jews could be sent to...The labs. People with deformities or unique traits were sent to a lab.
Unique Traits include
Different eye colors
Extra body parts
Legs Different tests were run on these people …show more content…

The twins woke up at six A.M. each day. They would be checked for attendance. After this was done, Mengele checked on the twins. The twins surprisingly didn't dear Mengele, and they actually liked him. He usually showed up with candy and chocolates in his pockets for the kids. He also played with the twins. This lead them to call him uncle Mengele. After seeing Mengele for inspections, the kids were given classes. The kids had easy work, and they even played soccer. When the time came, trucks picked up the twins and sent them to the labs to be tested on. Most twins didn't survive the experiments. In fact, out of the 3,000 twins that were captured, less than 200 escaped. The twins that survived were often separated, unless extremely lucky. One twin pair consisted of two boys: Skrzynecky and Lucian. As of now, they are about 72. 69 years ago they escaped from the lab during the Holocaust. After World War two, they were adopted into different families. They were so young at the time that they didn’t even know they had a twin and the adoptive families didn't tell them. They both found out they had a twin through different ways. Skrzynecky joined the army and discovered he had a twin, while Lucian found birth documents about his family. After lots of hard research they finally found each other, and have not been apart

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