
How To Freeze Children During The Holocaust

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• Children were experimented on in concentration camps during the Holocaust • The types of experiments conducted on children include freezing/hypothermia, genetic, high altitude, sterilisation, • Freezing/Hypothermia: This experiment was conducted on men to simulate the conditions in which the armies suffered on the Eastern Front. It was conducted by various doctors at Auschwitz for Himmler, the head of the SS. They were conducted in order to determine how long it took to lower the body temperature to death and to decide which way was the best to resuscitate a frozen victim. The two main methods that were used to freeze the subject were to put them naked outside in sub-zero temperatures or to place them in an icy vat of water. The vat of water was proven to be the fastest way in which to freeze the victim (this was tested by placing a thermometer inside the subject’s rectum. Most subjects lost consciousness and died after their body temperature dropped to 25 degrees Celsius. • …show more content…

The sun lamp, which was so hot they’d burn the subject’s skin, was placed on top of the frozen subject. This method was capable of resuscitating frozen subjects. Internal irrigation involved water heated up to extremely high temperatures being pumped through the frozen subject’s stomach, bladder and intestines. This method did not appear to work. Subjects were also sometimes successfully resuscitated through the method of warming by body heat, which required women to have sexual relations with the frozen men. The next resuscitation attempt was to put the subject in a warm bath, whose temperature would gradually increase so as not to make the subject die from shock. The warm bath method was proven the

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