
National Honor Society Four Pillars Analysis

Decent Essays

Looking at the four pillars of National Honor Society, I am definitely stronger in some pillars over others. However, between scholarship, service, leadership, and character, I represent each pillar in one way or another. In the future, I plan to continue to grow in each of these pillars. One of the pillars which I feel I represent the best is scholarship. In school, I always work to reach the highest standard in all of my classes. No matter the assignment, I will put my best effort into my work and turn it in on time. On a daily basis, I try to produce the best work possible and study to best prepare myself for quizzes and tests. Also, I push myself by taking rigorous courses that will challenge me. I represent the pillar of leadership in a couple ways. Outside of school, I am a leader through babysitting and volunteering at my church, as I act as a …show more content…

In school, however, I see myself as more of a quiet leader. I lead by example through my actions of being kind to others and through my character. In the future, I plan to continue to grow in the pillar of leadership by running for a position on the student council board. I exemplify the pillar of character through my daily life by doing the right thing, even when no one else is watching. Another way I show my character is by being kind to others whenever possible. If there is one pillar of National Honor Society that I would say is my strength, it would be service. I represent this pillar through my participation in key club and my church. In key club, I have completed many service projects including making lasagna for a shelter and painting windows at the children’s hospital. In my church, I have volunteered for vacation bible school in the past and was a group leader for the third graders this year. Last summer, I attended Catholic Heart Work Camp where my group and I painted and

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