
Napoleon And Snowball Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Napoleon and Snowball were in an argument about the creation of a windmill. Napoleon, who was about to lose, made a strange sound which cast out nine ferocious dogs into the barn, rapidly approaching Snowball. With no other choice, Snowball “slipped through a hole in the hedge and was seen no more”(V.XXIII). The other animals were petrified and would do anything Napoleon commanded to do in order to keep their life. Daily living at the farm is constantly getting more out of control. Napoleon starts killing more animals, even for money. Boxer was placed in a carriage which supposedly was taking him to the veterinarian but the side read " 'Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.'

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