
My Writing Reflection

Decent Essays

We are already midway through the first quarter of my last year as a high school student. I find it hard to completely grasp how quickly this year is passing and yet I feel like we've already accomplished so much.

This quarter we've done weekly blog posts with Ms. Kline and I can say that this is probably one of my more enjoyable homework assignments. I've always enjoyed writing but have lacked a proficient vocabulary to feel satisfied with my work. This blog has allowed me to exercise the vocabulary that we have learned in class as well as awaken dormant writing skills. Having this weekly post has already shown a proliferation in my creative writing ability.

Of course this quarter has already had its fair share of challenges. My class seems to be rather dexterous in the art of making facetious comments and I often have to berate my lack of focus. I all to often find that my focus has been pulled away from the topic at hand by inane comments. I am ashamed to admit that, despite Ms. Kline's gregarious nature, I tend to find that I am overcome with waves of lethargy that squelch my enthusiasm for the class. My concentration seems to kick in as the day progresses. …show more content…

In retrospect, I produce consistent yet high quality work that I can be proud of and refrain from sporadic attendance. Though the quality and quantity demanded by this class is higher than that of my previous years in high school English, I enjoy attending and try to remain a consistent student that teachers can

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