
My Writing Process Begins Before Pen

Decent Essays

My writing process starts before pen meets paper. When I receive the assignment and read the rubric, my mind starts working. I have a general idea of what I am going to write about, along with a few main points. My writing process is like a puzzle; it is very confusing to most, but makes sense to me. I have realized my faults and how important it is to be more organized in order to improve my writing process.
My writing area is in my bedroom, sitting on a bed, back against the wall, and a computer in my lap. The lighting is not very good, but the room is quiet. When I am writing total silence is required and I need to be free of distractions. The T.V. is off, there is no music playing, the door is shut, and my phone is usually out of reach on silent. I get distracted very easily; I always have multiple things working on my mind and never seem to be at ease. It does not matter what I am doing there are always little people running around in my head thinking of things that need to be done. Weather it’s cleaning the car, cutting the grass, paying the phone bill, receiving the item I bought on Amazon two weeks ago, making it to work on time, finishing psychology homework, studying for the biology test, having my uniforms ready for drill this weekend, going to the concert I bought tickets for three months ago. All of these things pulling my attention away from the paper I am trying to write. I do not like my writing environment. My ideal writing area would have a large,

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