
My Writing Experience Essay

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Hannah Weitbrecht Dr. Ignacio Palacios ENC 1101 English Composition September 10, 2015 Confident Writing A few years ago, I learned a new form of writing: IEW, which is Institute for Excellence in Writing. Before I learned this, I had a struggle trying to put my thoughts together in a way that would sound professional. I had no organization for my words so they would flow together nice and smoothly. Unfortunately, I lacked excitement. I wasn't excited about what I was writing and did not "get into it" too much because of this problem. I also did not know how to cite a quote or anything along those lines without asking my mom how to do it and not learning how to do it myself. Every sentence I wrote started the same. You could tell by just glancing at the page that every sentence started …show more content…

The teacher was funny, which made it more enjoyable. Surprisingly, the first thought that came to my head when I finished my first paper was, "Wow! That was pretty easy. Maybe I'll enjoy writing after all." The first thing the teacher had each student do was pick three key words from each sentence in each paragraph they were reading. These would be the "three key words" you had to go on to write your essay and add the words in between. One point in time, he explained to us how to use "-ly" adverbs correctly, which I found helpful because I never understood how they were used and which were adverbs or which were adjectives. He also taught us how to use sentence starters, which made writing quite a bit easier instead of starting every sentence the same way. We also had banded words in which we could not use or we would be deducted points. I am so thankful my teacher taught us how to use a Thesaurus. I would definitely be lost if I didn't have that wonderful book. Because of my sister taking the same class with me, I had more of a competition and was pushed more to write better. The first day of writing was a fun beginning of my writing in the

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