
My Work Ethic

Decent Essays

1. Why do you want to be a part of Queen’s University Business Engagement? (200 word limit) As a Queen’s Commerce student I am passionate, organized, and responsible. Through my high school years, agenda was always in my backpack with all my schedules. Also, as a middle child, I was often responsible of taking care of brother; when my parents and my older sister were not in the house, I was his mom. I am passionate when I am doing my work. I worked in Sobeys when it just opened; at the beginning, the workers including me often had to stay more than the actual scheduled time to clean up the department. Even though sometimes I had to stay alone in the department cleaning up, I made sure I cleaned and prepared everything for the next day. However, despite all these skills, my interviewing skill and networking …show more content…

If you could explain your work ethic in one song what would it be and why? (200 word limit) One song that explains my work ethic is “Don’t think you are alone” by Kim Bo Kyung. The song says “Don’t get tired, don’t give up/ No matter what hardships you have, always overcome.” When there is a lesson I don’t comprehend, I turn off my phone to make the every effort; I read the textbook and notes for hours. When I finally come to a conclusion that I can’t understand this without any help, I find help from the teachers, friends, or families. There is nothing that you can’t overcome; it just takes more time. Another part in the song says “Don’t think you are alone, don’t cry saying that it’s hard/ you and I, we know/ Lean against my back…” When I work in a team, I become responsible, more than enough to be a support to my teammates – so they can lean against my back when they need help. This means spending hours of understanding the project completely, front and back. Therefore, the song that explains my work ethic is “Don’t think you are alone”, because my work ethic is about not giving up, asking for help when needed, and becoming responsible to be a

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