
Work Ethic Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I cannot attribute my strong work ethic to any particular experience in my life, as I have strived to exceed the requirements, whether it be academic, musical, or athletic, ever since I could walk and talk. In school, I have always approached my assignments, projects, and tests with a perfectionist fanaticism. There has always been something rather satisfying with maintaining good grades, however, more deeply rooted in my academic approach has been my desire to learn and develop. Over the years, I have taken every spoonful of intellectual medicine that has ever been fed to me by my teachers with somewhat of a resolute spirit, as if I was doing so would prove that I could master any academic matter thrown my way. I do not regret getting above a 4.0 every semester of high school—I am proud of how my hard work has payed off. I have …show more content…

I am thankful for my school’s course offerings, through which I have discovered an appreciation of the curious world of biological and chemical sciences. Had it not been for my Honors Biology class and outstanding teacher my sophomore year, I would have never pursued a summer internship with the Center for Microbial Pathogenesis at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and, subsequently, deepened my interest in pursuing a degree in a biological field.

Prior to all these happenings in high school, however, I underwent the greatest challenge of my life when I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease: a chronic, incurable, auto-immune and inflammatory disease of the intestines. Instead of standing idly by, I decided to involve myself in the Crohn’s community. I established a team for the local “Take Steps” walk for Crohn’s and Colitis for which I recruited team members, sent out emails, made team shirts, and raised several thousand dollars. I experienced the kindness and generosity of family, friends, and

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