
Work Ethic Personal Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Seize the day! This is my motto. My life is driven by my work ethic and immense desire to succeed, every single day. I have grown up with the understanding that application is just as important as knowledge itself. Throughout my life I have pushed myself to achieve whatever I set my mind to, regardless of the difficulties I face. This attitude was derived from a specific event that changed me forever. At the age of thirteen, I was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes. My blood sugar was almost eleven times that of a normal reading. The fact that I was even alive astonished the doctors, my family, and myself. Since my diagnosis, I have never taken my time for granted. I use each and every day as an opportunity to accomplish …show more content…

Rather than sitting on the knowledge that I have been gaining in high school, whether it is regarding academics or personal growth, I immediately try to apply what I learn. In the summer before my senior year, I secured a Solidworks internship at a local company, producing instructional videos for their equipment. Furthermore, I have competed in VEX robotics since the eighth grade. I spend a great deal of my time furthering my academic growth, not only through “book-smarts,” but also through practical application and hands on experience. This provides an opportunity to utilize the advanced math classes that I have been studying, by building physical structures that perform real tasks. In addition, I also strive to grow my personal character. Although I am young, I desire to set an example to the others around me. I dedicate a large portion of my life to serving others through music and missions. I frequently visit children’s homes in the Dominican Republic, bringing my guitar with me, as I find music is a way to span all language barriers (although my Spanish is coming along quite well after many trips). I have found whether I have a busy day at school or am traveling in a foreign country, every day provides me with an opportunity to us something I have learned

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