
My Papa's Waltz By Theodore Roethke

Decent Essays

My Papa’s Waltz “My Papa’s Waltz” is a poem about a chaotic memory told through the romantic dance- the waltz. Theodore Roethke tries to beautify his ambivalent relationship with his father by creating it into a dance. His father’s role in the poem is important because he represents both the order and the chaos witnessed by his son. The poem starts off by introducing the boy’s father as an alcoholic by stating he could smell “the whiskey on [his] breath” (131). Although his father is an alcoholic and the boy’s encounter makes him “dizzy” or tired of it, the boy still “hung on to him like death”. Even though the boy knows that his father has a problem, he still loves him to death and he will till the end. “Such waltzing was not easy” shows that having a father like him was not favorable, but the boy still shows undisputable love. …show more content…

The boy trying to keep the father steady and upright represents how the boy has had to take responsibility for his drunken father through the years. Although his mother is also there, she does not do much to help the son. Her “countenance could not unfrown itself” means that she just stands there and watches her son struggle and all she can do is frown at the scene. The mother does not speak up because she is frightened of her drunken husband and speaking up would be a bad idea. The mother allows the chaos to continue for she is too scared to do

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