The most memorable vacation I’ve had is when I went to Hawaii. When my parents told me where we were going, I knew it would be my most unique trip. We usually go on a vacation every few years to somewhere that's warm during Minnesota’s winter. Because of Hawaii’s warm climate, It was one of the best choices. Out of the five days we stayed there, one specific day became the crowning moment of the whole trip for me. Even though the trip would be a long eleven hour flight, I knew it would be worth it.
On that day my family and I decided to go to a beach that was very popular among the locals for its beauty. Luckily I didn’t bring my phone with me because I wouldn’t of noticed how beautiful the beach turned out to be. Once we started driving, we
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We ended up driving around the lot a total of three times before someone finally left. A wildlife protection agency who wanted to restore the coral reefs in the Pacific owned the beach. They made everyone who wanted to swim on their beach watch an hour long presentation on the do’s and Don'ts of swimming on their reef. They strictly emphasized on not walking on the coral and staying a good distance away from sea turtles. Eventually we were allowed to carry on down to the actual beach. The staff members who presented the video led us out through a different set of doors that opened to an overlook of the beach. The sky was partly cloudy with scattered rain storms that covered an area no greater than a football field. Luckily, all the rain stayed offshore, otherwise it would of been a crummy day. The beach overlook stood above a cliff of black rock that surrounded the back side of the beach. Looking down, a small cluster of palm trees lined along the base of the cliff which provided shade from the scorching sand. To the right of the overlook a small paved road connected the buildings on the cliff to the beach below. Most of the people walked down the side of the road while the elderly rode down on long trailers connected to a golf cart which reminded me of something you would ride on during a Hollywood
My personal favorite vacation was when I was six. I flew with my family to a friend’s beachfront estate in Florida. Countless hours were spent hours fishing and swimming on the beach every day, even catching a Blacktip shark. The life changing trip made me exceptionally closer to my friend and his family. I traveled to Italy when I was twelve, it was the first time I had left the United States. The trip was an incredible experience for me, introducing me to an entirely new world of culture. Leaving the United States was a substantial goal for me at that age, as I had never been to a place where people didn’t speak English. The trip was an eye opener for how different the world can be. My first flight alone was when I was in February 2015, when I flew to Colorado to ski with my aunt and uncle. Initially, I was nervous as I left my father at security and made my way to the gate. I soon realized how simple it was to travel and thought of it as an adventure. I’m sure my experience wouldn’t have been the same if the people sitting next to me weren’t so friendly. Even though I have had some transforming experiences in my life, I always look to see what enjoyment I can have next and what I can to create
Have you ever been on a vacation? Although I have not been on an enormous amount of vacations, but I have been on a few. Of the four to five vacations I have been on, the most favorable trip I have ever been on was when I was seven years old and my family went to Colorado. There, we explored the nearby towns, went dirt-biking, went on a train, and had some mishaps. We also stopped at some amazing places on the way there, including a huge museum in Kansas City.
The day I was waiting for finally arrived. I could not believe that I was driving to Florida. I could only imagine all the actives and attractions awaiting me there. I knew from the beginning of the car ride that this was going to be a fun and unforgettable vacation. During my vacation to Florida, I was able to visit with my family and friends, visit different interesting places, and enjoy the Florida weather outside.
The best vacation I ever took, would have to be when I went to Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio. Cedar Point is an amusement park. My parents had gone a few years before that. I was about 11 years old the first time I went to Cedar Point. I was very short, (still am) and couldn’t go on all the rides. But I still had fun. We also went on a Ferry Boat ride. And went to a cave and and a “Butterfly Palace”.
My family has gone on many vacations, but the vacation to Cancun over Thanksgiving is the one I will always remember. My grandma took our whole family on a vacation to Cancun. There were many interesting events that took place on this trip that I will always remember. Every morning waking up to the amazing view of the ocean with the waves roaring to shore. We would spend our days hanging out by the pool and riding the massive waves at the beach. Playing basketball in the pool with the family is a circus trying to score.
After my trip to the Bahamas I knew that I was lucky to have to opportunity to be able to go on this trip with my family. Even though i had a couple of arguments while I was on this trip I very much enjoyed it. One day I hope to go on another trip like this,maybe even on the same
Beth was an interesting woman to say the least. She was very talkative and had an eccentric personality. She might have been a smidge under the influence on this very normal afternoon but she was still a nice and fun person to talk to. Ashley and Kevin and I got to know her and all about her family all too well sitting at the bar at TGI Friday’s.
We did a great mass of marvelous things. One of the most amazing things we saw was Hogwarts, the school from Harry Potter. We drove back to the Briscoes’ house and stayed there for about four more days. The fun was not over. The next day we went to Clam Pass Beach in Naples. You would not believe how incredibly soft that sand was! It felt like I was walking on marshmallows! As I watched the sun sink into the ocean I spoke to myself, “This is the best vacation ever.”
The day has come, finally my very first vacation. I got up with excitement and I remember looking out my window and seeing how the sunrise was spreading across the sky. I remember my mom calling my siblings
If I had to keep one memory, it would be my family trip to Turks and Caicos. It was the first time I had been to an all inclusive island resort vacation and I had no idea what to expect. After leaving cold New Jersey on an early morning in February we got off the plan, only a few hours later and walked down a flight of steps off the airplane. The change in temperature immediately hit my face as I felt the heat and humidity of Turks and Caicos. It was a stark contrast from the snowy, cold climate we had just left in New Jersey a few hours earlier.
Before spring break had started I took a vacation to florida. Me, my sister, my baby sister, my grandma, my mom, and my mom’s boyfriend all flew to florida, it took us three hours to get there. When we had finally arrived I was ecstatic, even though I had been to florida two times when I was younger, it was even better this time.
When I was in eighth grade I went on my first trip out of the country to Nassau, Bahamas. Going on this trip was one of the most exciting and unforgettable times of my life. Not only was it a fun experience, it was also the first time I realized that I love traveling. While there I was lucky enough to visit many places, such as Blue Lagoon Island and the beautiful Atlantis Resort, and immerse myself in the Bahamian culture. My time in The Bahamas was not my only great memory from that trip. The journey to get to The Bahamas itself was also quite interesting.
My favorite vacation, so far, is one I went on in September 2015 with my friends Alissa and Jaidah. We all share fandom interests. On the weekend of September 19, my brother went away to spend his birthday with my dad. My mom shook me awake and informed me I could bring two friends along to a room in the Dells that we would be occupying. Almost immediately I thought of the duo. I ran downstairs and texted both of them while packing a bag. They texted back not too long after, and I told them my mom and I would pick them up anywhere from 10-11 that Saturday morning. We picked up Alissa and she tried to direct us to Jaidah’s house, but she wasn’t thorough with her
As a child, people will always remember certain destinations that stick with them that made a good impression. I have a place that not only made a good impression, it changed me. It made me think off all the things in life people take for granted; places, people, activates. This place brought all though special things in life to one place where I can enjoy them all at the same time. The Oregon coast. Traveling there, as a kid was always special. Waking up early in the morning and driving the long trip there, going through forests, valleys, and cities.
There are certain memories that we have that we can remember like they happened yesterday. Many of those memories that have special meaning to me were of family vacations when I was young growing up with my brothers and sisters. Family memories are important to many of us because they take us back to a time or place that was special. One particular family vacation I remember vividly, and it’s a story I have shared with my kids on many occasions. Over the 40 or more years since that memorable vacation, I still smile and think how lucky I was growing up with a mother and father that did everything to give their kids an unforgettable memory.