
Murrow Vs. White Essay

Decent Essays

Ms. Murrow vs Mr.White

Every teacher goes to school to learn how to teach. Except each teacher teaches different. If you want to be a teacher that makes kids not want to come to school and be bored in their class, meet Anne Murrow. Wearing the same few outfits everyday with her red lip stick, Ms.Murrow is a 20 something year old woman, who tells their students she’s over 50. Reading books is what makes her happy, and she think that all of her students are the same way. Learning consists sitting down, being silent and being constantly yelled at. Students don’t like shakespeare. Except her 100+ students were forced to read macbeth while doing projects that don’t make sense. Since English class is two periods, you can often find students …show more content…

Meet Jason White, a teacher that is loved by all of his students. Mr.White got the students engaged in things that most 12/13 year olds would find boring. Showing the students videos, playing games and doing group projects is what young adults want to do. If he is teaching about something he would do games that also relate to sports, music and of course the subject he teaches Social Studies. Everyday kids would look forward to his class, they also learned a lot. Making your students engaged and doing things that make them relate to the topic will make them succeed. In 7th grade (the grade he teaches), students had to take the constitution test. The constitution test is hard and very important. Students needed to know the concept in a short time. Mr.White knows his students well and knows how to make them succeed, therefore he used games, videos and songs to help his kids remember. This shows that he is amazing teacher. Unlike Ms.Murrow he gets his students engaged and want to learn. He is loved by everyone and this is what makes him the best teacher. Being a teacher doesn’t mean you have to be boring and uneventful. Being a good teacher shows that you know what your students like and make them want to learn. Being like Ms.Murrow would give your students a horrible year. Being Mr.White makes your students look forward to learning. Be a teacher that gets students to look forward to learning,

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