
Modest Proposal: The BLM V's ALM Movement

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A modest proposal for the young teens dying in today’s society, everyone is worried about going to war, but don’t realize were in it with our own people.
There are about 55.3 million people who die each year, but it’s only increasing. Many people, especially teens are loosing their lives on the daily. Suicide and murder have become an even bigger problem in today’s society. When someone looses their life families and friends are the ones suffering, they’re the ones who get torn apart so why would we want our own people hurting? Instead of people handling their problems like an adult or even fist fighting people are so quick to pull out a gun. One of our biggest problems is young teens trying to rep or bang something they’re not. This goes along with the BLM v’s ALM movement.
Our justice system isn’t equal, so we might as well sentence everyone who commits a crime to the same amount of time. We are not a divided nation, but at the rate we’re going its getting there. A new movement is being held every 3 months it brings everyone together as one. Everyone has 2 options, spend time in jail or join together. It’s like a big family reunion. Everyone gets along, is happy, and just enjoys themselves. This reunion is steps to rebuild our nation.
With this solution, it will help better our world. Less lives will be taken away, especially the young …show more content…

Not everyone will like the idea, but they really have no choice, but this is how the government works sometimes so it’s okay. The more everyone comes the more we all are going to develop a bond. The letters will go out every 3rd of the month and this event will be held on the 10th. A list of everyone’s names will be at this convention so as they show up they will sign next to their name. Any name left blank the person will be hunted down and arrested. They don’t want to corporate to become better so why should

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