A modest proposal for the young teens dying in today’s society, everyone is worried about going to war, but don’t realize were in it with our own people.
There are about 55.3 million people who die each year, but it’s only increasing. Many people, especially teens are loosing their lives on the daily. Suicide and murder have become an even bigger problem in today’s society. When someone looses their life families and friends are the ones suffering, they’re the ones who get torn apart so why would we want our own people hurting? Instead of people handling their problems like an adult or even fist fighting people are so quick to pull out a gun. One of our biggest problems is young teens trying to rep or bang something they’re not. This goes along with the BLM v’s ALM movement.
Our justice system isn’t equal, so we might as well sentence everyone who commits a crime to the same amount of time. We are not a divided nation, but at the rate we’re going its getting there. A new movement is being held every 3 months it brings everyone together as one. Everyone has 2 options, spend time in jail or join together. It’s like a big family reunion. Everyone gets along, is happy, and just enjoys themselves. This reunion is steps to rebuild our nation.
With this solution, it will help better our world. Less lives will be taken away, especially the young
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Not everyone will like the idea, but they really have no choice, but this is how the government works sometimes so it’s okay. The more everyone comes the more we all are going to develop a bond. The letters will go out every 3rd of the month and this event will be held on the 10th. A list of everyone’s names will be at this convention so as they show up they will sign next to their name. Any name left blank the person will be hunted down and arrested. They don’t want to corporate to become better so why should
Our murder rate has sky rocketed and it is ridiculous. This generation is in an uproar for whatever reasons. There is no more fighting and living to see another day. The young boys (punks are what I call them) are so outraged and uneducated with guns. They are shooting innocent by-standers, which is always a small toddler or teenager. Not all of the youth are considered hateful and violent. Peer pressure from gangs have taken over and some kids join gangs or become followers just to fit into the “in crowd”. Teenagers like to feel like they are a part of something worthwhile to them. I think they do this so they won’t get bullied and end up becoming the bully.
Imagine heartbreak, loved ones dying, and losing hope. This has transpired for many in America today, all because of gun violence. It has become a great problem for our society in recent years. Data from Every Town Research has shown In their article Gun Violence by the Numbers “...that on an average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns...For every one person killed, two are injured” Many will deny that gun violence is a dilemma, but it is. Most do not realize this but, over 62% of the deaths that occur are suicides, and just over 1,642 people killed by gun violence were accidental. There is something very wrong here, and something needs to change quickly. If so many of these deaths are incidental, and
However, if this solution doesn’t work and does not change the structure of how things are expected to be done, we are looking at a major problem that will cause destruction. Think of it as a bomb ticking and you have three seconds to disengage it, now it could work out in your favor and prevent a bad explosion from killing people; If not it will go off and result in a destruction that will be difficult to come back from. In the end everyone wins if this solution works out perfectly, however if you are a part of the problem than it may be a loss for you. We must stop this war among
"I'm angry someone would do this to us. There are lives ruined, families ruined, and our whole school year is ruined" (Brackely 1). Casey Brackely, once a student that attended Columbine High School, remembers the tragedy of the horrific Columbine shooting that killed and injured many students. Mass shootings in the United States have been on the rise since the 1980’s, especially in the last decade. These shooters motives and profiles are almost all terrifyingly alike. Many of these shooters try to imitate and parallel the tragic shooting of the Columbine High School in 1999. These shootings have made peaceful organizations, such as an elementary school; become a place of violence and death. Currently, in the United States, an epidemic of
The idea of violence is instilled in everyone’s head in some way or another. From the time we are born we are equipped with the idea that we must react when we are upset. When someone affects us in a negative way, there is an idea in our minds that urges us to fight back or cause harm to that person. This idea of causing harm stays with us from childhood until we take our last breath. Since 2013, there have been 242 school shootings within America. Even worse, there have been over a thousand mass shootings in the country resulting in mass casualties. Most recently, one single man murdered fifty-eight people at a concert in Las Vegas, Nevada and injured over 240 others. Although the motive may have been different between these shootings, one thing remains the same for all of them, the act of violence.
I support protesting gun violence in public schools because it has become a serious issue in this country and student’s lives matter enough to take the time to protest.The events described in this article are important because, the March 14th walkout was the first national test of teenage activism against gun violence. The walkout was partly a protest to push lawmakers to pass gun reform and partly a memorial to honor victims killed by firearms. Teenage organizers said the protest was to highlight Congress’ inaction against the gun violence plaguing their schools and neighborhoods. The marches ranged in size in all 50 states and an estimated 185,000 people participated in the nationwide walkout. This fight for change could be called a revolution
An ongoing and highly debated social problem that continues to grow in our society today is the gun control epidemic. Gun violence in the United States is a national epidemic. Many people take advantage of guns using and manipulating the tool with hardly any thought. Countless lives have been lost due to fact that people have been able to obtain firearms legally or illegally and have taken the notion to be judge, jury and executioner in holding ones live in their hands. This is a common issue that will continue if action is not taken as a nation to try and stop it. Gun violence can lead many citizens to believe that no place is deemed safe anymore and recent tragedies that have taken place in United States holds up that statement. In
13 children are killed daily, guns kill teenage boys annually than any other cause, and
Since 2013, there has been 242 school shootings, an average of nearly one a week. Research states that “these incidents resulted in 59 deaths and 124 non-fatal injuries.” Nearly one in six of the shootings occurred after an argument intensified because “of the presence of a gun rather than in spite of it.” Research also shows that more than half of the kids obtained a gun at more (most likely because their guardian did not store it correctly.) In 2013-2015 there was 84 K-12 school shootings and 76 college of university shootings. The U.S Department of Education statistics show that the number of students killed on campus per year is approximately 15 homicides and 5 students annually in primary and secondary schools. In over half of the incidents did the perpetrator intellionally injure/kill at least one other person with a gun (In eight of those incidents, the shooter the shot and killed themselves.) Between 2013 and 2015, 56% were perpetrated by minors. Research provides an extra reason that gun control is needed, because more than half of these school shooters are getting these guns from their guardians
Unfortunately, the notion of schools being a safe place is no longer a trend across American schools. Disturbing mass shootings in the U.S continue to shock the media. A school shooting is when someone attacks a school using a gun. The Secret Service says these shootings are "deliberately selected as the location for the attack". The reasons massacres occur in schools is because of poor security, violence in video games/media, and bullying. Shockingly the U.S. has the most school shootings than any other country in the world. According to the FBI, mass shootings occur, on average, every 2 weeks in the U.S. While the cause of school shootings are sometimes unpredictable, it is a growing issue and they need to be prevented. Most shooters don’t have mental issues, they have a plan to kill, so there is no singular cause that creates violent people. On April 16th, 2007, the most deadly school massacre occurred. Seung-Hui Cho killed thirty-two students at Virginia-Tech. As Americans, we no longer should turn on the news and witness these gruesome murders. We try to make sense of these murders, but it’s ineffectual. There are measures we can take as a society to help. The number one question in a school massacre is, "why would a person that has a capable sense of mind even do that?” It is our moral responsibility to fix these issues. In order to stop this problem, we need to find its roots.
The Orlando nightclub shooting in Florida on June 12, 2016 was the single largest massacre in U.S history, taking the lives of 50 individuals, including the shooter himself, and injuring 53 others. This is one extreme example of the gun violence that has been occurring in this country, but mass shootings like this and the one at Newton in 2012 are only a small part of our gun violence issue. The everyday gun violence that takes place in cities all across the United States claims the lives of thousands every single year. According to The Guardian, 33,500 civilians die each year because of gun brutality- “that’s about 1 life every 15 minutes” (Beckett). Between the years of 1999 and 2013, there were 464,003 gun deaths in the U.S, about 58% of them were suicides 37% were homicides. (ProCon.org) Gun violence and the consequences of that violence, have become a real and dangerous problem in the U.S , why else would the CDC list the United States as having the highest rate of gun violence out of all developed countries today? (Gale Opposing Viewpoints) This issue is not just attributable to a single factor, there are several that play an important part in why gun violence is such an issue in the U.S, namely laws and poverty; and in these causes we can also find solutions.
Every day 297 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides, unintentional shootings, and police intervention. Everyday 89 people die from gun violence, 31 of those people are murdered. Today I'm going to be talking about the social justice issue of gun violence. Gun violence, death and injury from firearms is a major issue in all parts of our world. Gun violence continues to affect young people, lower-income people, and communities of color. This social justice and public health issue occurs in places all over the world, however it has become such an epidemic in the United States that it will result in gun violence being one of the main topics in the 2016 presidential election. There are many causes for gun violence, for example, in this day and age pop culture influence is the greatest cause of gun violence. Guns have also became more accessible and easy to obtain. Poor identification and treatment of mentally ill people is another significant cause for gun violence.
We are survivors. This generation is, statistically, the most depressed, suicidal, and anxiety ridden generation as to date. As aforementioned, multiple school shootings have occurred as well. Popular politicians campaign to silence the voices of the masses, but we refuse to be quieted. Our generation has survived what has been thrown at us, and as a result, we are throwing everything we have back at our attackers. The bottom line is that we, as a generation, are survivors who are managing to keep afloat in the violent seas of today. This is important because this character trait, of being persistent, whether it be to get something petty as most people think, or to advocate change for the masses, will end up helping us change what is happening.
Ever since the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School, there has been a numerous list of recent school shootings in America. Youth violence is a major issue in today’s society. Many people dread what causes adolescents to be so violent, committing horrible crimes.
Teen Violence is a big dilemma in today’s society. Violent behaviors usually start from family and peers, as well as teens observing it at there neighborhoods or communities. These behaviors are reinforced by what youth see on television, on the Internet, in video games, movies, music videos, and what they hear in their music. When children are disciplined with severe corporal punishment or verbal abuse, or when they are physically or sexually abused, or when they witness such behavior in their home, it is not surprising that they behave violently toward others. Teen Violence has had such an impact in our youth today that it leads many destructive things and that’s why we have so much violence today.