
Miss Genovese Essay

Decent Essays

In March 14, 1964, “Good people” heard and witnessed an awful murder. These people did nothing to save the woman’s life! Gansberg wrote a narrative about this situation and explained a story about this woman who was basically left to die. I will explain why the bystander effect is an issue in today’s society, why no take any action, how I feel upon these factors, and why Gansberg really didn’t follow through with his story to begin with. He gave great detail towards how this story came to be and certain reasons why this happened. Miss Genovese was a victim and we all have an opinion on why what happen to her was wrong. This is a crime that was basically committed by 39 people and only one was arrested. Many were shocked and it’s a crime that is still discussed today. This …show more content…

The investigator believes that the people might as well have been accomplices because they heard what happened, some even saw what happened, and nothing was done about it. I find this very absurd because this should not have happened in the first place. Gansberg states “It was 4:25 A.M. when the ambulance arrived to take the body of Miss Genovese. It drove off. ‘Then,’ Perez 2 a solemn police detective said, ‘the people came out.’” (Gensberg 130). People didn’t want to be involved until it was too late, and she sadly paid the price for it. In my opinion, we should change how we think about each other. When domestic violence comes into effect and we don’t do anything about it. We witness a bad relationship, but we fail to comply with this, because we always claim it’s none of our business. We should give a damn. When people don’t care, situations like this that can happen. In the narrative, “Miss Genovese screamed: ‘Oh, my God, he stabbed me! Please help me! Please help me!’ From one of the upper windows in the apartment house, a man called down: ‘Let that girl alone!’” (Gansberg 130). I feel that instead of commenting out of a window, he should have called 911 or possibly helped her

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