
Miss Seeton Essay

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Hamilton Crane is the pen name for Sarah J. Mason the author a series of 13 sequels and the prequel to the highly popular mystery thriller novels Miss Seeton series. As Sarah J Mason, she has also written several novels that include the Trewley and Stone detective fiction series of novels and two free standing novels. However, it is important not to confuse Sarah J Mason with Sarah Mason the British romance novelist who has no middle name. Hamilton Crane has lived for about fifty years in Hertfordshire in England and lived for a year in New Zealand and four years in Scotland. The Miss Seeton series of novels for which Crane is most popular for were originally written and published by Heron Carvic. Carvic wrote the first five titles of the series …show more content…

Seeton is the lead character in the British cozy mystery series by Hamilton Crane. Even as three different authors have written the novels over the years, the lead character in the series maintains her character and MO. Miss Seeton is a character that can best be described as an absent-minded woman that draws informative sketches that help Inspector Delphic and his sidekick Bob Ranger in solving crimes in their town. Being the lady that she is, she always finds herself in trouble for her ladylike actions and the eerie accuracy of her drawings. In the prequel to the series, Hamilton Crane looks into Miss Seeton’s past by explaining her psychic talent for knowing impossible things. Seeton is a spinster who lived during World War II England. She lived in fear of spies and rationing, lived in a house draped with blackout material with windows taped and boarded over, skylights pulled out, and wore a gas mask to go work in a plane factory. She is an art teacher that sketches pictures, which look at the soul of the person that she is drawing. Even as the drawings become very important in helping law enforcement solve crimes, she does the drawings in an absent-minded manner. When intelligent police officers analyze the sketches, they are highly accurate in pointing to who committed a crime. The police while initially treating her as a suspect gradually become amused and even horrified with her talent for solving the most complex of …show more content…

Miss Seeton find herself embroiled in a police investigation as they investigate a spate of robberies. The chief suspects in the series are the Sherry Gang, who have been pretending to help old people with their shopping before drugging them with spiked sherry. While their victim is out cold, they rob them of anything valuable and make off to rob another victim. Another group has been involved in another type of robbery. The Turpins have revived highway robbery and target coaches full of the elderly that they hold up before robbing passengers of their valuables. Plummergen is the same old village thriving on gossip while the police depend on Miss Seeton to point them in the right direction. The novel is a light mystery read set in a quaint setting that would be an awesome read for the detective thriller or cozy mystery

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