
Militarism Dbq

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The military was founded in 1775 in order to fight Great Britain. The small army was led by appointed commander George Washington. Ever since its establishment, the military has continued to increase. The United States currently has about 1.3 million active troops and an additional 865,000 troops in reserve - it is the world’s third largest military. The US also has a large global presence with troops deployed in over 170 countries including South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, and Japan. The United States is a militaristic country because of the military budget, the military’s expansion into civilian areas, and military culture. The large and increasing budget of the military is an example of U.S. militarism. According to National Priorities …show more content…

Civilian control of the military is a government policy, written in the constitution, that places responsibility of the the head of the Defense Department in the hands of a civilian political leader rather than a military officer. This doctrine, however, is coming to an end. According to Document 2, military personnel are required to wait 7 years after retirement to gain a civilian position. President Trump has ignored this practice by appointing generals and lieutenant generals to cabinet or high-ranking positions. This proves that the United States is a militaristic country because the military is now moving into positions, that were previously reserved for civilians. Document 2 also states that the military has expanded its role into areas that were previously civilian areas. These include counter-terrorism, drug trafficking enforcement, natural disaster aid, immigration control, and policing. This shows that the US is militaristic because the military is constantly expanding; not only by means of budget and power, but also responsibility. This is also a negative example of US militarism because civilian control over the military is important. The American democracy was built around this

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