Focus: Ms. Smalls (MHP) administered the Casey Life skills assessment, the Circle of support and the Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths assessment with the assistance of Ms. Givens (MHS) and Antazia. Intervention: MHP, MHS and Antazia administered the Circle of support. MHP answered Antazia questions. MHP, MHS and Antazia completed the CANS assessment and the Circle of Support. MHP request for feedback on the possible goals. Response: Antazia completed the Circle of Support with assistance from MHS and MHP after asking questions. Antazia asks additional questions to ensure understanding of each task. Antazia completed the Casey Life Skills and CANS. Antazia seemed confused about the questions from the CANS assessment. Antazia struggle
Mrs. Givens (MHS) describe Antazia as bossy and pushy in the home. Antazia is described as a bully in the community. Antazia’s behaviors is calming down in the home and community. Antazia has demonstrated control during interactions with peers and adults.
Halle is a 16-year-old female who currently resides in foster care. Over the past few
Maunica responded well to the intervention. Maunica continue to make very good progress towards her goals. Maunica stated that she is attending school regularly, and is getting along much better with her mom. Maunica stated that she is taking her medications as prescribed. Maunica stated, that she made decision of getting up and going to school every day, complete high school, doing the right things, not to calling 911, and to get along better with her mom. Maunica completed the online Q & A. Maunica stated, getting into trouble, not getting the result wanted, escalating the situation, and suspension. Maunica stated, it help with make choices, expressing feeling and thoughts, and complete something. Maunica stated, what to eat, clothes to wear,
A: MHP educated Ty’Kevinyon on why meeting with the MHP was important and valuable. MHP defined engagement and the engagement process. MHP provided information to illustrate the benefits of engagement and socialization. MHP instructed Ty’Kevinyon on the importance of being honest. MHP provided positive reinforcements for increased engagement and positive behavior.
The scoring of the ABAS-II was also conducted by Mr. Jones’ counselor whom meets the qualifications for the scoring and interpreting. The ABAS-II has several subsections including communication, community use, functional academics, home living, health and safety, leisure, self-care, self-direction, social, and work. These raw scores were converted to scale scored and broken down according to the manual to the following sections: general adaptive composite (GAC), conceptual (CON), social (SO), and practical (PR).
During October 2017, the Department of Youth Development organized the YouthWorks ML2 Program Evaluation Taskforce to oversee and design this comprehensive program evaluation to assess 2015-2016 impact of services provided by the YouthWorks ML2 Program (a youth development afterschool program in Harrisville, SC.); and this program evaluation was guided by seven key evaluation questions that relate to program effectiveness, efficiency, outcomes, and enrollment demographics as discussed within this report; and program findings revealed the following:
CM contacted three IIH services (Caring Family Community Services, Team Up Counseling, and The In-Home Parent Coach) to inquire IIH openings. CM was unable to reach these three IIH services and left a detailed message for each provider. CM provided the IIH services with her direct and cell number. CM requested to be contacted.
SO gave a completed feedback on Gc’s case that was discussed in the crisis plan meeting yesterday, follow up was designed in which social worker addressed family members to work side by side with WK , Mr Mubarak and the drug councilor OT plan will follow
CM spoke to Kiara Gelin (youth) regarding a follow-up on services. Youth reported she continues to attend the Partial Hospitalization program at the Jersey City Medical Center. CM was informed that youth stopped attending the TASC program due to time conflict and youth will resume the program in September. CM and youth disused employment; youth had a job interview at Wendy’s, Fast food restaurant. CM encouraged youth to apply at local jobs in the mall, CM verbally provided youth with a list of jobs that are hiring in the community. CM inquired about the Cook, Eat and Talk program. Youth reported the family will follow-up with the program once the family phone is working. CM agreed. CM and youth discussed mentor
Intervention: MHP provide Destiny and MHS a copy of the draft IPOC. MHP, Destiny and MHS review and discuss each section of the IPOC. MHP answered Destiny’s questions after redirecting Destiny’s display of verbal aggression. MHP, Destiny and MHS discuss and process Destiny’s inappropriate behaviors in the home and community.
In this particular assignment, I worked with a 20 year old female name Sabrina. While completing this assignment, I used Sabrina’s descriptive evaluations of her educational progress including; data summaries for IEP goals and objectives and an ecological inventory in the form of a parent interview was used to identify sills for assessment. On August 26, 2016, the parent interview sheet went home to her parents. The interview sheet included five questions on things that are important to Sabrina including her current skills, skills used or needed within her home environment, and what is important to her parents for her future. The parents’ preferences for Sabrina’s skills development were taken into account for her current IEP goals and objections. To complete the chart, more information was needed in a few areas. These included: 1) clarification of the type of symbols and symbol format for Sabrina’s communication; 2) an assessment in Sabrina’s current skills in the area of vocational; 3) an assessment in Sabrina’s current skills in math and money skills; 4) an
Focus: Maranda and family will work together to assist Maranda with demonstrating effective coping and communication skills needed to cope with her impending TPR and transition to adoption. MS. Smalls (MHP), Maranda and Ms. Smith (MHS) discuss improving relationship and communication.
Ms. Smalls (MHP) provides MHS and Destiny support and encouragement at bi-weekly face to face visits. MHP, MHS and Destiny is establishing a meaningful relationship. MHP, MHS and Destiny practice managing emotions and communication in the bi-weekly face to face visits through positive interventions, role-play, and practicing of coping skills. MHP modeled the coping skills and interventions for Destiny and MHS at the bi-weekly visits. Destiny receives Behavior Modification services to alter reported negative behaviors.
and develop strategies for specific health interventions. A total of 2,08,104 (Dec 2005) with 1 CHA for
The individual that was selected was a single parent female that utilize social service in the areas of Human Services, Redevelopment and Housing (HUD Program), and Virginia Department of Health. The participant’s likes and grievances were aired in the needs assessment, so that programs can be developed that will fill the gap in services that are deficient in meeting her needs. Social services received through human services are Snap benefits, Medicaid, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF). Services rendered through Redevelopment and housing consist of Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8), Utility Assistance, and Public Housing. Virginia department of health include Women, Infant, and Children (WIC), Child Safety Seat Program, and the STD Clinic.