
Memoir's War: A Short Story

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Two young men rushed down the steps, for there mother had called them down Those two had always been Mama's favorite. There mother had a letter in her hand that was addressed to the oldest of the sons, Gerard. The woman put her hand over her mouth and tears began to rush down her face. "Mama, what is it?" the youngest son Mikey rushed to his mothers side and put his arm around her shoulders. She looked up and pushed her son away, "You..." the woman pointed to the eldest, Gerard. "You signed my babies up to be sent into a living hell!" the mother screamed at the top of her lungs. Gerard looked to his mother confused, "Mama what are you talking about?" he looked beyond shocked. Mother shook her head in disgust, "You bastard, you know what you …show more content…

There your last name was drawn randomly out of many, the chances were very likely for you to be drawn. The previous document you (Gerard Arthur Way) signed went back to two years ago against sending you to war. Sadly there is no way to keep you from being sent to war. How does this link your brothers, you may ask? Michael Way, Frank Iero, and Ray Toro all had a different father sign a paper against sending them to war until eighteen years of age, a deal similar to your own. Though all fathers passed in the past war and you may ask how are we linked together as brothers? Amelia Way is the mother on all papers and the last living parent. Therefore all children were placed under the same last name as Gerard Arthur Way. We are sincerely sorry for the miss placement of documents and we will make sure this never happens …show more content…

Ray, second born, picked the paper up and scanned over it quickly. Gerard scrunched his eyebrows and grabbed the paper out of Ray's hands. He read it all and held back tears, "Gerard it's not your fault..." Ray tried to comfort him. "Mama i'm so sorry..." a tear ran down Gerard's face. The mother shook her head, "You aint' no son of mine." she growled refusing to look at him. Gerard ripped the letter into pieces and put his hands on the counter. "Mama were all going to die..." Frank continued to shake and stay in one place starring at the ground. Gerard stood up straight and grabbed his mothers face forcing it to look straight at his, "Mama were all going to hell." he hissed and let go of her face before rushing up the stairs. The boys mother weeped loudly and continued to shake. All of the brothers followed Gerard back

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