
The Move: A Short Story

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The Move It is a bright sunny day in Norfolk, Texas with a peaceful family of 5, child named Ron, Sophia, Anderson, John the dad and mom. They are living in a small house on the beach having a good life but they just don’t really think that house is the best for them at the moment. The kids all want a new house and the mom also wants a new house but the dad John wants to stay by the beach. Sophia says to dad “ Why can’t we stay on the beach dad, i wanna swim and fish all day.” Dad says, “ Well honey, I’m getting tired of burning up all day, all the waves all day, and the screaming of little children on the beach all the time.” Sophia says “ everybody else but you wants to move so why can we not move to Los Angelos, California.” Ron and Anderson don’t even care if they …show more content…

There was a moment of silence for about 5 seconds because John was totally freaked out. After that moment of silence John said stuttering “ what what are you doing out here at night.” The murder said “ Do you not know who i am? Im Andy, the person that kills people at night.” John is extremely freaked out at this moment so he is speechless. John finally said after a moment of silence “ um i never heard of you sir but please don’t hurt me.” Andy said “ if you get out of here right now and don’t tell people about this then I won’t hurt you. Got it?” John replies in a scared voice “ yes sir.” John walks slowly back home but Andy didn't want him to walk slow so he fired a gun before his feet to make him run faster and it helped. That made John extremely worried and so mad that he just wanted to turn around and hit him but he knew Andy had a gun so he calmed himself. John kept on walking and finally reached his house. His wife and 3 kids were all sitting in the living room waiting for him to come back in to tell them where he has gone this morning. The wife asked John “ Honey where did you go this morning?” John told them the truth about everything that had went on and the wife gasped and so

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