Media has grown to be accepted as a very important teaching tool and is even being used with that exact purpose, education. As Henry A. Giroux said about animated films, “I soon found that for my children, and I suspect for many others, these films possess at least as much cultural authority and legitimacy for teaching roles, values, and ideals as more traditional sites of learning…” But what we see now is this ‘teaching tool’ schooling the public about school itself.
In the show Saved by the Bell, most of the scenes take place in their high school hallways and classes. Even if the episode is not necessarily about their school life or their interactions with the school system a lot can be picked up from the way they handle themselves and interact with others. For example in the episode named “The Wicked Step Brother,” the major conflict is around Jesse’s new brother, yet many jabs at the American school system can be found through the monologue and stage directions. The lack of respect for the school and its principal is automatically present in the new student, even though he had never been at the school before.
When talking about the main characters let us first take into account Screech, a character they have chosen to make almost depressingly simple minded. Also there is Zack, student with little to no respect for his teachers, thinking of them as some easily fooled pawns in most of his plans. The fact that the teachers are so easily fooled and strung along by this boy
Saved by the Bell was a fictional show about high school students. “The writers of Saved by the Bell always seemed to suggest that most adolescents are exactly the same and exist solely as props for the popular kids, which was probably true at most American high schools.” (140) What happens when one looks at culture that is ultimately not real as being representative of
The argument of what children should be able to watch is a very controversial one. With media access so obtainable these days, violent media is practical everywhere. Many writers take a stand on this, and give an opinion of how the matter should be handled. Gerard Jones and John Leo both argue their case on how the approach towards how the situation should be handed. Jones argues that violent media is good for children, since it gives them a way to escape the harsh reality; however, Leo argues that violent media is a main source for many of the disturbing acts that have happened lately. Based of Jones’ writings that provides personal experiences over opinion such as Leo’s writing, parents should take the incentive towards allowing children
In the article, “Violent Media Is Good for Kids”, the author, Gerard Jones, begins by providing background information about himself. As a child, Jones was taught that violence was wrong, and as he grew up, he learned that violent comics and stories aided him to become an action movies and comic book writer. In his article, the author addresses why violent media are good for children. He points out that it helps them transform better socially, explore and conquer their feelings, and improves self-knowledge. Jones purpose is to inform readers about the positive use of violent media on children. The author uses rhetorical appeals of pathos and ethos, and stylistic techniques such as allusions and repetitions to create his argument.
Education is an important thing in the modern life to all individuals in this society. It is a great tool to help people to be succeed. However, today’s students don’t care of education. Mark Edmundson’s essay, On the Uses of a Liberal education, and Neil Postman’s essay, Television as Teacher, explain the problem of education system. They all said that students for today are thinking education should be entertaining.
Violent media; a strikingly relevant phenomenon millions are becoming captivated by. It’s everywhere you go, on your phone, the TV or on the computer. As much as people try to avoid it, they soon realize it’s ineluctable. Gerard Jones, a comic-book author, released a brief report, “Violent Media Is Good for Kids” that argued violent media is not only beneficial to children but also inspiring. He goes on to support his claim by sampling his own personal experiences. However, not all forms of violent media are necessarily helpful. Some are more preferable while others can harm them. To an extent, violent media can help children by helping them release built up emotions, learn lessons regarding the real world, as well as create something for themselves.
In school there are many groups that can be identified within the film. It is interesting to see how five students who are all in different social groups came together at the end despite these differences. In the film, the students all get dropped off at the school to attend a Saturday detention all for various reasons. The characters in the detention were Allison Reynolds, John Bender, Claire Standish, Brian Johnson, and Andrew
Learning about pop culture truly frightened me when I saw the book we were utilizing at the beginning of the semester. Having been without television for more than 10 years now, I suspected I wouldn’t know much. Being a single parent amid this time gave me an opportunity to see this present era progress through the technological advances of our time, and interestingly, my age placed me in pop culture arena’s that the more youthful era doesn’t even think about. Our book, “Signs of Life in the USA” was splendid at addressing such a variety of products, movies, television, spaces, semiotic multiculturalism, alongside the gender and sexual societal rational to name a few. The transition back to school after 40+ years has given me some shock in the amount of openness and evaluation of actually any subject, religion to politics. Since these are places I refrain to go into conversation with others on the planet, to have my opportunity of opinions gives me a protective feeling with the
Education has begun to be taken for granted, not realizing what an impact it has on culture. In the television show Community, the view of education differs in many of the characters. There are both positive and negative stereotypes revealed throughout the show which were discussed in a way so that the issues present could be changed. Even though the show Community is presented as a comedy, with many mishaps, it presents education as something which is important and should be treasured. Education in our culture is many times underappreciated, looked at as an entitlement rather than a privilege; however, Community, forces the audience to reexamine education and why such a high value is placed on it in our culture.
Violent Media is Good for Kids, by Gerald Jones; a persuasive article written by a comic book author that analyzes how exposing children to violent media has positive effects in shaping a person. This article was written as a counter-argument to the negative response media received after a horrific mass shooting that took place at a high school. Jones defends violent media by telling of his own personal experience with it, thus glorifying it in the process. Jones argues in his article that violent media is a helpful resource for children and it does not necessarily harm them. Jones’ argument was effective and very convincing. He defends his stance by continuously stating the positives that violent media has had not only on him, but his own son as well.
Kids media is the single most important thing in the lives of children all over the world. What they see in movies, television books, and all other new media has a direct impact in their development. As such, a project out of the UK brings us Detective Dot, who uses new media to teach kids about gender equality, free trade, and women studies.
Pop Culture has a great impact on our society of today. The main problem with pop culture is that some people think that it can dumb us down, and also that it promotes violence in today’s youth. It could actually do the exact opposite. Pop Culture is just another thing to learn about in life. It could actually help us think more complex to figure out what is going to happen in the next episode in your favorite TV show. It could even have the youth reading at an early age just to figure out what is happening in the magazines, and to be able to text their friends. Also it could help us learn more about the issues in today’s world through the use of browsing the internet. The main issues that will be covered through this paper are: how modern TV can enlighten the audience, the use of social media in political movements, and the effects on how pop culture can educate the youth of today.
Have you ever re-watched a tv show you absolutely adored as a child, and thought, what you found so appealing as a child? Maybe because the graphics and media has now advanced light years ahead. Or maybe our brains have become numb due to the amount of pointless Facebook videos ‘that get us every time’ and can no Though we don’t like to admit it, we have inevitably matured and expanded our understanding of society, thankful beyond play schools cardboard representation. Contemporary movies and tv shows lay out all the possible scenarios of life, allowing us as an audience to relate with a character and from there, shape our own responses. At the start of grade 11, we were similar to the 5 year old version of ourselves, learning the basic shapes
Something that I would want to advocate to my students is that all media presented to them has the potential teach important lessons; whether it would be
Regardless of the vast multiplicity in living environments, an exceptional and unifying global media culture has developed that challenges and often places of interest such traditional forms of socialization as family and school.
From this lesson, I would like to learn the degree of effects toys and media can have on children. I was not very aware of the different effects Disney can have on children, but I have always known that educational games are better. I am also able to identify the effects active or violent toys can have on boys, and from this lesson, I became more aware of the different side effects on girls. For example, when little girls collect Barbie dolls, movies and other toys related to Disney, they have a possibility not to accept their bodies when they become teenagers. It also helps me realize that everyone around me including myself is or was influence by the media. However, the outcomes can be different depending on how people manage media.