
Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis: An Analysis

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At least once in your life, you will encounter someone with a different opinion than you. You will hit a wall with ideas. Someone will voice their opinion against what you believe, and it will hurt. Everyone can remember an experience where they felt this, and everyone knows how it feels when your opinion is rejected. But, what most people don’t know, is that it is beneficial to meet people with other opinions or ideas. Someone who will openly tell you why their perspective is right, and yours is not. Just because their opinion is different from yours, does not mean that either of the opinions is wrong, it simply means that they are different. The difference in notions is simply an opportunity to learn. Their impression of a certain topic …show more content…

Because Marji is so young in the beginning of the book, and she is an only child, she has little experience to base her feelings off of, so she takes criticism personally and isn’t used to people having an opinion that is different from hers. After listening to her classmate, Pardisse, read a letter written to her deceased father about how she would take care of her mother and younger brother, Marji approaches her during recess and tried to console her by saying, “Your father acted like a genuine hero, you should be proud of him!” (86). Pardisse snapped back at Marji by opining, “I wish he were alive and in jail rather than dead and a hero.” (86). Earlier on, Marji had continually discussed how she idolized her family members who were in the war, especially her uncle Anoosh, and nobody had disagreed with her. She simply took her pride, and shared it with her classmates, where she was rejected. As you can see in the frame, Marji’s eyes begin to water when she realizes that her idea has been dismissed, and her smile turns to a frown. Marji lacks the understanding of disagreement, so she doesn’t know the benefits that could come from listening to what Pardisse has to say. If Marji knew to tune in to what Pardisse had to say, she could have gained perspective. Just because Pardisse and Marji had different standpoints, they can learn from one another if they just

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