
Marilyn Amilcar: The Key Principles Of Being An Expert

Decent Essays

Being an expert takes time, not talent. An expert is someone who possesses special knowledge or a set of skills in a specific domain (Quick, 2016). There are several key principles that separates experts from novices. One of the key principles that distinguishes an expert from a novice is the great deal of content knowledge experts acquire that reflects a deep understanding of their subject matter (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). Another key principle is their erratic levels of flexibility in their approach to finding solutions to situations or problems. The expert I chose to interview was Marilyn Amilcar. I chose to interview her because she is someone who I consider to be an expert at what she does. Miss Amilcar has been the in the field of education for five years and has been an educator for three years. By the School District of Hillsborough County, based on the teacher rubric, Miss Amilcar has been named highly effective. Miss Amilcar is currently at Shaw Elementary teaching first grade students. She …show more content…

Amilcar how much time would she estimate that she devoted to learning how to teach math. Miss. Amilcar said that the proportion of time teachers use to teach is one of the key principles of instruction, so for the past five years since she’s been in the field of education, she has devoted almost 12 to 16 hours a day learning all about math. She attended mathematic interventions and seminars, she shadowed experienced instructors, and she even bought several math books to practice math problems and find alternative solutions to solving them. I then asked Miss. Amilcar besides practice, what else has contributed to her expertise and he said her love for math. She said Willian Thurston quotes “Mathematics is an art of human understanding” so the reason why she loves math is because it gives her an understanding of how things work, and having a sense of understanding is a self-sustaining pleasure of

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