
Theme Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Loyalty has always played a monumental role in stories and legends throughout all of history. Loyalty is especially strong in Homer’s The Odyssey. There are many characteristics that are strong in this epic, such as temptation and hospitality. However, loyalty above all else, stood out as the cornerstone of which this book takes place. What is loyalty? Defined by the Webster dictionary, loyalty is devotion and faithfulness to a cause, country, group, or person. Almost all the characters in the epic show loyalty in the novel: from Odysseus to Penelope, to the suitors, all show faithfulness to their goals. Odysseus shows his loyalty by journeying far, on a most dangerous quest to return home to his Family and his land. Enduring many countless hardships throughout the epic he never stopped and his loyalty never …show more content…

Similar to his father, Telemachus shows his loyalty by going out and searching for his father. He does not let the rumor that his father is dead stop him from continuing to search for him with unending faithfulness. He is also faithful to his mother, loving her dearly he tell his nurse these words on page 35: “…Swear that you shall say nothing about all this to my mother, till I have been away some ten or twelve days, unless she hears of my having gone and asks you; for I do not wish to spoil her beauty by crying.” As we see here, Telemachus is loyal to his mother and father. There are many examples of loyalty in the epic, but not all can be said for lack of time. Two other examples of faithfulness is by the suitors and Penelope herself. The suitors remain faithful to each other and to their plan to attempt to kill Telemachus. Although their plan fails, they still were true to it. Penelope is an example of a true faithful wife. Not believing that her husband is dead, she

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