
Maintaining Motivation: Educational Goals Essay

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As many of us near our senior year of high school we all begin to think seriously about pursuing our education further and what we want to come of it. This is also the time when we pick a major and sometimes incorporate graduate school into our future goals. These educational goals that we form at an early age reflect our desires most truly because we have yet to be discouraged by hardly anything. However, the downside is that in many cases rising college students don’t realize all that entails reaching the goals they have set for themselves. As a result, many students falter in their pursuit towards the original set goal. There are several common ways in which students deviate from the original plan. Some students begin college under a …show more content…

The Problem College dropout rates have been improving over the past 40 years, however; half of college students drop out before receiving a degree (Dynarski, 2008). With respect to the fact that many students drop out of college for reasons not under their control; those who consider dropping out due to loss of motivation should consider the importance of a college education today in order to efficiently weigh out their options. The U.S. Census Bureau has determined that a college graduate earns over 1 million dollars more than a high school graduate in a life time (Giving Up On College Is Not An Option, 2006). Although money may not be a source for happiness it supplies you with the necessary resources that can enable you to achieve other goals that directly inspire happiness. However, keeping sight of the benefits to come from an education will not entirely inspire you to continue on the road towards achievement without the presence of autonomous opportunities. This idea suggests that you are more likely to succeed in a higher education setting if you were autonomous in your decision of which college to attend. Parents should allow their children to be fully involved in this decision. Furthermore, students that choose to continue their education often switch out of their desired major one or more times. Research has shown that choosing the wrong major is the most frequently identified life regret for Americans (Beggs, Bantham, & Taylor, 2008).

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