
Magnesium And Oxygen Conjoin In A Whole-Number Ratio

Satisfactory Essays

Purpose: Applying mass relationships, demonstrate that magnesium and oxygen conjoin in a definite whole-number ratio by mass.
Wash a crucible and cover. Heat in the coolest part of the flame for 3 minutes to dry. Allow to cool, then measure and record the mass of the crucible and cover in the data table.
Create a coil out of a 20 cm length of magnesium ribbon. Place the coil in the crucible and measure the total mass of the crucible, cover, and magnesium ribbon and record the mass.
Place the covered crucible into a pipestem triangle, heating gently for 2 minutes. Using a wire tilt the cover to allow air to enter the crucible. Strongly heat the crucible for 10 minutes.
When the 10 minutes are up, turn the burner off and move the

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