
Macbeth Fair Quotes

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One of the themes in this book is foul is fair, and fair is foul. The play would build on this theme by saying in the book “Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent don’t” (Act 1 Scene VI) 70-71. The entire book built off this idea of looking innocent but really being the culprit. When King Duncan was killed by Macbeth, they played innocent and blamed it on Malcom. It continues throughout the entire book by saying, “Gentle my lord, sleek o’er your rugged looks; Be bright and jovial among your guests tonight”. Act 3 Scene III 30-31 It’s saying here that be sharp and don't raise suspicions to the guests tonight. As it continues to look one way but be something else, it is one of the main themes throughout the play. Another theme that …show more content…

44-45. While the quote is talking about blood, the deeper meaning behind this quote is that he wants to be stopped up and feel no emotion towards anything. He wants to become an emotionless person so he can feel no remorse for his actions. Many other quotes in this play use a metaphor with blood and have a deeper meaning than originally thought “And with thy bloody and invisible hand”. Act 3 Scene III)53 The quote goes into the blood part of it with the deeper meaning of the story by having the “invisible” hand that he would use to commit his acts. Overall the theme of blood is used to connect to deeper meanings within the play throughout it and builds on Macbeth’s character and what his ambition led him to. Macbeth’s Rath that he had on Scotland was shown to be greater and greater as the play progressed and became more noticeable throughout the play. He progressively became more concerned with being the King and ruling Scotland than the common people's best interest as he was “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none so all hail, Macbeth and Banqueo”. Act 1 Scene III 70-73 Macbeth and Banqueo are told they will be kings and Banqueos kid will be …show more content…

Macbeth will do anything in his power to make sure that nobody but him and his bloodline will be on the throne “From this moment the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand”. (Act 4 Scene II) 162-164 Macbeth is said to act on his first instinct with no second thoughts. This builds on the theme that has been here throughout the entire play of Macbeth doing anything in his power to remain King and or keep the throne in his bloodline. Building throughout the whole play, Macbeth’s priority is that he thinks he has and that he can’t be stopped by anyone. Macbeth's ambition that led him to evil in the play can still happen in modern-day times. With modern-day issues, not even as king but maybe somebody in professional sports and their ambition for being the best at their craft and nothing getting in their way. In doing this, they could hurt their family and friends, and other people that they care about. Many things could happen in today's modern times, letting your ambition lead you to evil and stopping at nothing to get what you

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