
Important Quotes From Macbeth

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(Sitting on a chair, feet up, side table beside her, playing with a knife/dagger, unaware of audience)

(Looks at the dagger se is handling, then turns to audience) Isn’t it comical how things worketh out? (Turns back to dagger, carving into table) Although with mine powers wherefore wouldn’t they? (Laugh) I am of course the master of deceit. (Looks at audience, leans forward) Aye, that’s right twas me, twas me all along. (Stands up, begin to walk back and forth) I wast the one who planteth thy seed. (Raise hand pretend to hold a dagger/ sword, stares at audience) The one who dreweth thy sword. When the war began, aye, twas I too (laugh, playing with dagger). The ghost of Banquo, that was I. and the flyer dagger , me. The blood dripping off …show more content…

Well how could I not? King Duncan represented everything I was not – Good. I couldn’t has’t any influence over “good” could I? I has’t to telleth thee although their may has’t been a few bumps in the path, it all hath worked out quite how I expected it to. Thee may beest thinking; didn’t the sisters instigate this spectacle? Well, that’s how I receiveth what I wanteth without doing a thing. Twas easy enough to planteth the idea in their little stupid heads, making them believe it to beest their own. Then all that has’t be done wast alloweth Macbeth to knoweth of thy prophecy and mine work was done. If’t be true thee asketh why I didn’t complete the task myself and get the credit, well that’s simple. Would thee pass up a chance to recieveth what thee desired, without lifting a finger, while being amused? I didst not think so. Oh and the best part wast at which hour I confronted thy sisters saying “How did you dare to trade and traffic with Macbeth in riddles and affairs of death, And I, the mistress of your charms, The close contriver of all harms, Was never called to bear my part, Or Show the beauty of art?” [Act 3, Scene 5, p. 68]. Thee should has’t seen the behold upon their faces, priceless. So of course I swept in just in time to save the day, therefore I recieveth thy credit for the whole display, and I get to punish thy sisters. Deceitful

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