
Darkness And Evil In Macbeth

Decent Essays

Macbeth shows that he relies on darkness and evil in his next speech, "Come, seeling night, scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day and with the bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale.”(3.2.46-49); he needs evil to remove any consequence, so he will be able to overcome his guilt. Macbeth is later on the brink of insanity when he imagines that he is seeing the ghost of Banquo. His paranoia and guilt are causing him to loose his mind. near the end of the scene, Macbeth imagines himself as a river of blood so if he was going to stop it would be harder to go back than to stay with the current. Blood signifies the evil and murders he has committed and will do in the future. Macbeth is too far along

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