
Lowe's Home Interview Report

Decent Essays

I walked through the doors of Lowe’s Home Improvement Store on a rainy afternoon to come in for a job interview. I prepared myself for questions they could ask during the interview, and I answered all of them without a problem. Heather, the interviewer, turned from her computer screen and asked me, “when can you start work?” I said, “I can begin next week.” “You will be shadowing Brad” she replied. He was a store associate in the lawn and garden department who had worked at Lowe’s for eight months. I came in a week later to find Brad with a customer. They were talking about a brand of a chainsaw I had never heard of before called a Husqvarna and using terminology that sounded foreign to me. I stood in a daze while I waited for Brad to finish up with the customer. After Brad finished, he showed me around the store and introduced me to all the employees. Then he brought me to the lawn and garden department where I was working and informs me about our equipment, where the products are in our department, and the proper way to deliver a bulk load of product for a customer. He gives me my access code to clock-in and out during my shifts, a genesis username, and password to reach all the stock at Lowe’s and taught me the correct way to open and close our department. After walking around for about two more hours fulfilling store tasks, …show more content…

Then I realized that I could eventually learn to adapt to anything else with time. My supervisors should not expect me to learn it right then and there but over a length of time. I created a stressful environment for myself as many of us tend to do which led to anxiety and stress, an unhealthy way to live. I fell asleep determined to go to work the next morning ready to approach the upcoming obstacles; instead, of avoiding

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