
Lorie Jerrell Leininger's 'The Tempest'

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Critical Source Summary
Lorie Jerrell Leininger was a well-educated and passionate woman. She received her Ph.D. from Amherst College and quickly became involved with teaching. Shortly, after years of teaching, she began writing various articles and short stories, but she’s most famously known for her critics towards “The Tempest”.
According to Lorie Leininger, a feminist who offers a deeper and more modern speculation towards the play, suggested that “The Tempest” displays unholy acts of sexism and racism. Leininger’s main arguments are surrounded by the sol actions of one character, Prospero, a hyper masculine figure, who’s thirsty for control and power. All his appalling behavior comes from his abilities to manipulate and undermine people …show more content…

Prospero’s dehumanizing his very own daughter trying to convince her that she’s incapable of surviving in this world without him. Prospero’s actions demonstrate his beliefs of equality between men and woman, and how they can’t ever be equal. Once again Prospero displays acts of sexism, when he manipulates his own daughter by grasping her “absolute [] obedience” (149) and uses her charm, beauty, intelligence, and sexuality to employ Caliban as his slave. Leininger refuses to neglect the issue that sexism led to this idea of racism in the play. Miranda’s good looks and sexuality were used to shape and sabotage Caliban creating this “Racially vile, intrinsically, uneducable, uncontrollably lustful, and rebellious [beast]” (148). Unfortunately, this led Prospero to assert this idea of hierarchy of power and enslave Caliban, but when Miranda asks why he did this? Prospero justifies his actions “We cannot miss him. He does make our fire, Fetch in our wood, and serves in the offices That profit us” (150). Now, he uses every bit of violence and torture to help secure his imprisonment. Leininger hammer’s the fact these titles would have never been presented if Caliban wasn’t cruelly led on by a power thirsty human being. After arguing

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