
Logan Paul: Video Analysis

Decent Essays

In December 2017 a well-known YouTuber called Logan Paul released a video the content of which has majorly impacted the YouTube society and YouTube’s guidelines. In the video, one can see Logan Paul and a few of his friends deviated off the path in the suicide forest. While Logan and his team were there, they found and filmed a dead body for all his viewers to see. Although at the beginning of the video he provides a disclaimer and discusses in the introduction what he was about to show his viewers, he also states that he is not monetizing the vlog* ‘for obvious reasons.’ [*A vlog is a video and a blog. Similar to its online form however it differs in the way the information is delivered which is through filming, i.e his day-to-day life.] As the video progresses, we see Logan Paul talking about the suicide forest, joking around while also describing how the forest acquired its name. When Logan Paul first encounters the body, he states “I hate to say this, …show more content…

One of the reasons for suicide amongst teenagers and young adults is the immense pressure they are under whether it be from school, parents or work. There are other reasons why they commit suicide which are shame, guilt, or out of love. Some individuals in Japan glorify or perceive it as liable or the only option, while others see it as an act of weakness of character; a person lacking in strength. Therefore, Logan Paul should have been more attentive while filming the body because he is unaware of the consequences of his actions for the person and their family within their culture. As well it reflects negatively on him within their society since it appears that he is overstepping into a culture that he knows little to nothing about their culture and traditions. One must be well informed about a culture before entering it, even more so when discussing a topic that is highly sensitive to it in order not to dishonor the

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