
Literature Review On Enterprise Resource Planning

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Literature Review:
What is Enterprise Resource Planning?

Enterprise Resource Planning is a packaged business system or software that provides business solutions. These business solutions include processes that automate and integrate different processes of the organization and share common data across the enterprise (Shang and Seddon, 2002).
Enterprise Resource Planning can also be understood in 3 ways (Gable, Klaus and Roseman, 2000). He said that Enterprise Resource Planning is just like a commodity or product in a Software form. Enterprise Resource Planning is software integrating all processes and data of the organization in an integrative structure. It can also be called as an important element of the organization infra delivering solutions …show more content…

This would improve the decision making of management and also improvise planning and performance of the organization.
Strategic benefits: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems also bring strategic benefits as it involves large scale business, integration of internal and external capabilities, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) assists in business growth, innovation and differentiation.
IT benefits: Through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, organization has standard and integrated applications. These applications support business flexibility and thus reduce IT cost, marginal cost of IT units etc. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system also builds capability of the organization to implement quickly new applications.
Organizational Benefits: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems support the organizational growth by supporting its structural change, improving the learning of employees, empowering them and building a …show more content…

When Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions and systems came in early 90ies, they were considered too expensive and complex for smaller organizations and were mainly considered by the largest organizations. However, vendors like SAP have started to redirect the system towards SMEs also and cheaper and inexpensive versions are rolled from them that are making Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)s very popular among SMEs also (Everdinen et al., 2000).
While there are many advantages discussed by many researchers, few looked down to the other side of the coin and tried to check disadvantages of ERP systems and solutions, Helo, Anussornnitisarn, & Phusavat (2008) discussed following risks and disadvantages of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems:
1. Many organizations find it troublesome to understand the logic behind the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

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