
Analysis Of Cisco System, Inc.

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Cisco System, Inc. a company which designs manufactures and sells network equipment or computer

networking devices mainly Routers, Company Headquartered in San Jose, California, United states of

America. Initially found by two Stanford Computer scientists in 1984. A trifold increase in usage of

internet technologies during early 90’s made cisco to dominate the market crossing hundred million

mark and to become one among the fortune 500, which made industrialist to foresee the company to

make a merger with top notch companies like Microsoft and Intel which were good in Return and

Revenue on their assets.

Extreme professional management structure was in place deriving from the fact that Don Valentine

who …show more content…

While this was happening on its own phase in February 1994 , the system

struggled with the ongoing competency and the complexness with a unethical practice a workaround

method for access of its core records from the database concluding in system malfunctioning and break

the link of end-to-end data integrity paving away for the company downtime for two days. This made a

strong realization that they could no longer go with its initial claim which had factors like longer lead

time of implementation and cost when the end result is unstable.

This uncertainty and prolonged outrages in the system made Solvik to have integrated system which will

deliquesce the problem which system had before by having ERP system which will restructure the

1 Davenport, T. H., (1998). Putting the enterprise into the system. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 76, Issue 4, pg. 1-


2 Hossain, L., Patrick, J. D., & Rashid, M. A., (2001). Enterprise Resource Planning: Global Opportunities &

Challenges. Idea Group Publishing, ISBN-13: 9781930708365, pg. 12-20

system with its proven ability to overcome and having a concise information for growth of the

company.2(Hossain, 2001) Here is a point where Carl Redfield, a senior vice president of Manufacturing

who was in Digital background knowledge suggested the

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