
Letter To Drivers Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

A letter to those drivers that don't use their turn signals,
Dear non-signalers, everyone has had a run in with you and you are the reason that people get road rage, other than slow drivers in the left lane, and you cause more accidents every year than drunk driving, distracted driving and aggressive driving.

Nothing grinds my gears more than when I'm flyin down the highway and the BMW next to me doesn't take the 3 nanoseconds to hit his turn signal to warn the rest of us that he is wanting to merge into my lane. Either he is too lazy to take the time out of his day, or he thinks we are all below him, i'm not a mind reader nor is anyone else here. It's not cute, funny or cool; it makes you look like tool. Using the signal isn't just a courtesy to other drivers, it’s the law. Depending on the state-fines can be up to 740.00.

The turn signal is mandatory to be built on all cars as standard equipment, and the usage of them is required in everyday driving by law for a reason. Nearly 2 million accidents happen every year due to the sloths of the road that don't have time to use their blinkers. Distracted driving causes a meer 950,000 accidents compared to 2 million not signaling causes; Not signalling is a bigger epidemic than even drunk driving but …show more content…

That is an excess of 750 billion times per year. This has been a problem for decades, especially in america where driver feel they own the road and make the rules up as they go. Ever since 1949 when buick first put indicators on there factory assembled cars people have neglected to warn the other drivers of their intentions of joining lanes, or up coming turns. Failing to signal can lead to more than loathing the drivers around you, it can lead to damaging your vehicle, injuring you or your passengers and expensive medical bills. No amount of campaigning, billboards or PSAs are going to change

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