
Key Features Of The Ultimate Business Disruptors : Internet, World Wide Web And Communication Technologies

Decent Essays

The introduction of the ultimate business disruptors: Internet, World Wide Web and communication technologies have revolutionized the way business operates and improving the way people as well as the way people and organizations communicate and collaborate paige. The concept of Web 2.0 (Business 2.0) has earned a lot of prominence in recent years since it has positively changed the global landscape of businesses. Web 2.0 serves as a distinctive communications platform characterized by qualities such as collaboration, content sharing and user contributions eliminating entry barriers for online business. Recently, many businesses and organizations has started extensively implement Web 2.0 applications in hopes of improving communication, boosting collaboration, exchange of knowledge among the participants leading to organizational innovation paige.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of web 2.0 as a powerful tool boosting collaboration, improving knowledge sharing, aiding in networking, search information, find employment and ultimately aiming at eliminating online entry barriers for online businesses paige. This paper begins by briefly presenting an overview of Web 2.0. I will first discuss the key characteristics or advantages of Web 2.0, its key services and applications helping communities network and collaborate (such as social networking, social tagging, social bookmarking and so on), discuss key tools for collaboration (such as

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