
John Green Influences

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John Green is known as a well-known American author, who has greatly impact todays modern literature. Green understands towards the average teen life show tremendously through his literary works. These influential pieces have influenced teen’s about the challenging everyday life. Green has a very uplifting tone throughout his novels in order to touch his audiences. John Green was born on August 24, 1977 in Indiana; he grew up in Florida as well as Alabama. John Green spent his time as a chaplain in a Chicago children’s hospital inspired him to become a children’s author. John Green wanted to become a writer. When he was little John Green thought it was, like, playing in the NFL or being an astronaut. But it wasn’t until his 20s that seriously occurred to Green that he could be a writer. He says you learn to be a writer by paying attention to all the ways that writer writes. (Green) …show more content…

John Green is popular for the most recent book that he wrote which was Faults in Our Stars that was released in 2012. The Fault in Our Stars was considered to be John Green’s big break it really put him out there not only as a literary genius but as a romantic. The most romantic and heart touching line from the Fault in Our Stars “My thoughts are stars I can not fathom into constellations.”(Green, 2012) John Green agreed before the book was released that he would sign 150,000 copies of the first printing as well as his wife and his brother leaving their own symbol a Yeti and an anglerfish respectively (Green, 2012). His process included interviewing cancer patients and their families and researching information about the disease itself. John Green did not believe that he made Faults in our stars into a

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